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Hey! @Spring_Elephant Thanks for sharing this - I think it is a great conversation to have - it is a subject that can be tricky to bring up, but something most people think about at some point! It can feel really scary just picturing it without context. In the context of a loving relationship that you are comfortable in though, it can be something less intimidating. I hope you know that you can take as long as you like and there is no pressure or strict timeline. There is no rush - wait until you feel really safe. Also remember that many different first steps in life seem scary at first - like the first day of high school, applying for a job, being in a relationship, leaving school etc. Remember that with these sort of things it is okay to just let your nervousness exist without fighting it - It is okay and very normal feel like this. Just make sure that you aren't putting any pressure on yourself to do something you aren't comfortable with. Take it slow and take care of yourself 🙂 💜

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