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Hey @Estakz thank you for sharing and being so open with us about your experience of porn addiction. It can take a lot of courage to speak about things which we feel embarrassed/ashamed about, especially when there is already stigma in society around the topic. It sounds like things have been quite tough managing these urges and it's having a negative impact on your life. 


I think you've shown a lot of self-awareness in recognising the negative impact porn is having on your body image and increasingly not liking the way you are engaging with porn. You've also shown a lot of strength in trying to work through these urges and reaching out for support today. Relapses are really common and understandable in addiction, and it's not something you have to go through alone. Have you been able to talk with anyone in your life or even a professional about what you've been going through? If you're wanting to chat anonymously one-on-one with a counsellor, a service like Kids Helpline or eheadspace might even be helpful.


I can see we've already had such great responses and advice from @teacup5 and @Green_Ghost. Do you feel like you might try any of these strategies? 


I also wanted to share a few resources if these could be helpful: KHL has a page on porn here, healthline also has an article about porn addiction, and you could also check out ReachOut's article on addiction

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