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Hi @catsarethebest,


I want to start by thanking you for your post and welcome you to the online community forum 🙂 

It's really amazing that you found this safe place to share what's been going on for you, and I want you to know that the whole community is here to support you. 

From what i have read, i can see that you really care about your own well-being, and i want you to know that it's amazing to see. You should be so proud of the steps you've taken towards looking after yourself and voicing how you feel, it can be a very challenging thing to do, it's incredible to see. 


I can amazing that stating these feeling can feel like you're 'going against your family', however i want you to know that you have a right to feel fulfilled within your relationships and treated the way you want to be treated. Families can be a challenging experience to navigate, even when the presence of a disability.


I can imagine that with your parents attention on your sibling that you might feel pretty alone and perhaps a 'burden'. I want you to know that a burden is something you'll never be especially to your parent, you are first and foremost their child and even though their attention may seem elsewhere that you're more than deserving of their time. 

You mention that you don't feel jealous of your sibling, and while i want to commend you on this i also want you to know that it's more then ok to feel these feelings, it's doesn't make you a bad person. You're only human and feelings are natural parts of who we are, It is important however to feel comfortable to be able to express these feeling when needed. 

I'm wondering if you've been able to communicate to your parents about how you've been feeling lately - or if you have any other supports you can reach out too such as other family members, friends, or a counsellor? 

I wanted to provide you with these two links to different articles ReachOut has on communicating with your parents. 


* 5 ways to get your parents to listen 

* How to deal with pressure from your parents

Again i want to thank you for your post and please don't be afraid to reach out for support 🙂 

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