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I don't think you're a horrible person for feeling that way - your emotional needs are equally important. I can totally understand how hard it must be let go of that feeling of guilt.  While it’s extremely easy to say, you definitely don’t need to feel ashamed about these emotions. In fact, I imagine that what you're describing is quite a common and natural feeling for those in a similar situation to you.


While your circumstances must be shaping you into an incredibly resilient and independent person, it's important to have people to support you and help you cope with burnout, especially your parents. If possible, it could be good to speak to one of your parents about your feelings privately, and then speak to them together. Like you've done in this post, definitely make sure to recognise their stress and emotions too, as it will hopefully help them see your side a lot clearer.


Those are just my two cents, I really hope that helps, and thank you for reaching out :))

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