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Super frequent scribe

Thank you so much for sharing @Defender_Of_Roses ! I love making 'charcuterie' plates too. I kind of just throw a bunch of things that I like on there and it definitely makes me want to eat it more. Honestly, ever since I got into a relationship, I have less trouble getting the motivation to eat so I think you're right about the 'body double' - when there's someone else relying on you to also eat then it makes things easier. But when my partner isn't around, I'm always really lazy with cooking... 


I think something really easy to make when you have to quickly whip something up for just you to eat is egg drop soup! I come from a Chinese background so it's always been a comfort food for me. But there is a really easy way to make it that I'll put below (and it only gets one pot dirty). It's full of flavour and fairly nutritious.

  • Boil some hot water in a small saucepan and add a teaspoon or two of chicken stock powder (alternatively, just use boxed chicken stock).
  • If you have it, add a dash of turmeric for colour. Then add some salt and pepper (white pepper is best but black pepper is fine). You can also add a few drops of sesame oil if you have it. 
  • Add as much frozen corn as you want. You can also add chopped spring onions or tomatoes if you have the energy to cut them. You can also add chicken if you have leftovers or something!
  • Then, mix a couple of teaspoons of cornstarch with a few tablespoons of COLD water to make a slurry. I do this in a bowl. It's important it all dissolves or the cornstarch will cook into chunks when you add it to the soup. 
  • Add the cornstarch slurry once the soup is boiling again. It should thicken the soup a little. 
  • Then, crack an egg or two into the bowl you used for the cornstarch and roughly beat them (I just use a spoon). 
  • Turn off the heat and then mix your spoon around in the soup to create a 'whirlpool'. Drop the eggs into it while stirring. The eggs should cook into little ribbons throughout the soup - and then TA-DA you've got yummy soup. 

The other thing that I like to make is tuna rice!! Get any leftover rice you have, heat it up in the microwave with some frozen corn and then add a can of tuna (chilli oil tuna is best), some seaweed if you have some and some kewpie mayonnaise. It's so simple but it tastes so delicious and you can add lots of other things to it if you like. 

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