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Hey @Shroomie7 first off welcome to the community and thanks for reaching out about what's been going on for you. Managing and coping with chronic illness can so tough, and there can be so many elements to it. It can be really isolating and a grieving process of trying to navigate what things will look like for us. Am I correct in hearing that this diagnosis is still relatively new for you?


I'm really glad you're reaching out for support as sometimes connecting with others who are going through similar struggles can help feel more connected and hopeful about the future. I wanted to share these articles we have on chronic illness in case this is helpful, as well as a service called Livewire, where you can connect with other young people living with illness or disability. 


I'm wondering if you have anyone in your life supporting you through this? I'm also curious about what kinds of things you normally like doing or are interested in. Sometimes thinking about new ways we can still do things we enjoy or are interested in within the limitations we have, can be helpful. 


We also have a service called PeerChat, where you can talk one on one with a peer worker, which might be helpful. 


I just wanted to let you know we'll be sending you an email to check in shortly as well

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