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Hey @Shroomie7 I was recently diagnosed with chronic fatigue and POTS so I understand what you're going through right now. I don't have too many words of advice as this is something that I am struggling with a lot right now, so I'm mainly here to say 'hi, I get it, you're not alone!'


I've been very lucky to have supportive doctors and a family that is beginning to understand these conditions. My doctor recommended that I have an ElectrAAte AA and electrolyte supplement, stay hydrated and follow a low glycemic index (GI) diet. Obviously these recommendations are specific to my body and history (just want to make it clear that I am not a doctor and I do not intend to give anything that constitutes as medical advice, nor do I recommend that you take these suggestions as medical advice or without first consulting with a medical profession). It may be useful to discuss options such as these with your own doctor. 


Do you feel that you could talk to a doctor about these conditions and how they are affecting you right now? Do you have family or friends that you would feel comfortable asking for a bit more help, such as with meals and cleaning, so that you could conserve energy for other things?


I also know that there are quite a few Facebook groups for people with chronic fatigue and POTS, both internationally and specifically for Aussies. I'm in an Australian one for chronic fatigue which consists of a whole range of information, questions, very relatable memes, support, etc. Could this be something you're interested in exploring?


Here are some resources that I've found that you may be interested in looking at:

Managing fatigue - POTS UK (scroll down to the bottom to 5 tips for managing your fatigue)

Living with POTS - Australian POTS Foundation (scroll down to the bottom to treatments for POTS)

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