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Thanks @ironsharpensiron ,


Yeah don't get me wrong I definitely wasn't saying you need to be fake, however the way I was seeing it was that it's clearly not working being overly 'authentic' as I'm getting very few matches (only one thus far), and am struggling not to take it as a personal reflection on me. It's kinda hard not to feel as though people are swiping over you because you don't look good enough, or you don't measure up to other guys, so yeah that's why I was eluding to it being a 'game' as ultimately lots of people on dating apps try to make their profile seem as appealing as possible in order to get success, so I feel as though me being 'authentic' and not trying to impress is not really working (and making me feel like my authentic self isn't what people want).


I guess I don't understand how I shouldn't depersonalise, despite people often saying 'don't take it personally' when getting rejected/passed over on a dating app? Like if I'm showing my authentic self, and not getting any likes/matches, then how am I supposed to not take that personally? Is it just something that comes with practice you reckon?


Idk and thanks for the kind words on the trip, I think I need it lmao 😭

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