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Hey @Mint_Crane


What an excellent post! I have also had body image issues in the past and sometimes it feels like everyone around you doesn't think the same so its nice to see I'm not the only one. I think its really important to discuss these things for that exact reason! I think a lot of us feel like our brains are wired to think that appearance is a massive factor to how likeable a person is when in reality it is judging a book by its cover. I've found that in one of my previous relationships that I connected the most with them from personality rather than looks. I feel like I still put too much emphasis on looks but its always a good reminder for me to realise that they aren't everything and that there's so much else to a person.


I think I'll have to give your therapists recommendation a try for myself because I definitely find myself judging based on looks rather than qualities. Also, as some other people have recommended, practicing more personal hygiene has also been really helpful for having more self confidence. Specifically, I've boosted my skincare so I get less acne and and skin feels really nice which in turn improves my mood and confidence.


Wishing you the best!

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