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Hi @soldier_poet_king


It sounds like you're going through an overwhelming period in your life at the moment. Uni is a huge adjustment on its own, let alone navigating a 50/50 split between two homes. You are doing your best to stay neutral and keep things fair which is admirable. It is ok to feel anxious about how this change will impact your future studies and mental health.


I personally have not experienced this situation, however, I suggest to establish a schedule which considers your study load and time at each home. You may even consider speaking to your parents regarding your concerns and see how they can support you throughout this transition. 


You have clearly identified what could be challenging, which is a great start. Reaching out to your university for support could also help you during this time and learn how to better manage your new life demands. 


I hope that you are well, looking forward to hearing from you 🤗 

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