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Hey @Figuring_out


I'm in the exact same predicament right now as I have 3 exams occurring in a few weeks that I have to study for as well.


As others have suggested, a key way to keep up is to ensure that there is some diversity. So, what I usually do is spread out the tasks and dedicate specific days or timeblocks to a particular subject rather than just binging one subject for multiple days. This makes studying feel fresh and it allows you to digest the information while you tackle other subjects.


Another key thing and probably the best thing to do would be to do alot of practice tests. With exam season, I usually go and look for past exam papers (usually posted by the unit coordinator) and do them for each subject that I have. Once I have done a paper, I typically go and look at the general feedback to search for areas that I could have improved upon. Outside of practice tests, I suggest also reviewing past tutorial questions as it really helps too. The idea here is to develop a backlog of questions that have been answered to ensure that you are prepared for any scenario that may arise on the exam. I feel like this strategy is the best in terms of giving me the confidence to handle the exam and in filling up any knowledge gaps that I may have had prior. 


Best of Luck! 😎

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