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Hi @keroppi,


I want to start by thanking you for your post and welcoming you to the online community! it's very amazing to see that you've found this safe space to share what's been happening to you. I want you to know that the community is here to support you 🙂 

From what I have read, I can see that you've been feeling really alone lately, especially when it comes to friends and family. feeling alone can be a very challenging thing to experience in life, and I'm sure many community members, as well as myself, can agree just how proud of yourself you should be for taking these steps towards your own well-being. 

Feeling pathetic and feeling like a burden can be very strong feelings to have, and it often can make you feel like you have no worth. I want you to know that no matter how hard you try, you will never be a burden. It's important to remember that you are only human, and every feeling you have is valid and worth being heard, none of it is on you or your character. 

On top of this having feelings no matter your age is always valid, and you should never feel as if you are pathetic or undeserving of feeling a certain way. You also have the right to have your feelings heard without judgment and this can be challenging when feel unheard from family and friends however it doesn't minimise the worth of your feelings. 

I'm wondering if you have any other family members you can reach out to, or even professional support such as a counsellor? 

I can also see that you've recently had an experience with your mother that left you feeling abandoned by your mother, and I'm really sorry to hear about this. From what I have read, I can see that you believe you're a kind-hearted person, and I want to commend you on this. It can be hard to keep positive thoughts after such an experience, and to see that you are able to maintain the self-worth you deserve is so powerful and inspiring. I want you to be so proud of yourself 🙂 

I want to provide you with a link to 11 tips for if you are feeling lonely which is an article Reachout has on loneliness, as well as a link to PeerChat if you would like to talk to a Peer Worker 1 on 1 for support.  

Again i want you to know that the community is here ti support you and i look forward to seeing how your journey progresses. Please be on the lookout for an email we'll be sending you. 

Hope to hear from you soon 🙂 

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