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Hi @Periwinkle_Mongoose


I can deeply resonate with being very scared and anxious about going to the dentist, even if it is just for a checkup. Getting teeth removed is also very scary, and it is so valid to feel scared and nervous about this; same with getting a full scale and clean. 


I highly suggest you express your feelings to your dentist; they can reassure you and explain the different processes. Your dentist would have worked with many clients from different backgrounds, and without a doubt, most would have experienced anxiety/fear about going to the dentist. 


Do you think it might help to bring a support person with you to your appointment? Or maybe even ask some friends and family about their experiences at the dentist with getting teeth removed/a full scale and clean; even just expressing your anxiety could really help! 


In the meantime, it is important to take extra care of yourself leading up to the appointment, I highly recommend doing things you enjoy/practising self-care.


- Matcha_Toad 🐸🍵💚

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