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Hey @rivai,

Thanks for sharing your thoughts about this. From what I notice, you are eager to join the Australian army and I thank you for your efforts to our beautiful country in your plans to serve in the near future.


Correct me if I am misunderstanding, but I take it you want to go on testosterone for more muscle growth and strength? Like @Stormy-RO mentioned, it is perhaps a good and safe idea to get some medical advice as there are some health downsides to taking test . May I suggest, given strength is really important to you (which is fully understandable) because you have around 2 years before being eligible for the army, maybe give yourself a few months to go to the gym regularly, take some protein and other supplements and see how your progress is for, lets say, 6 months.


Creatine has shown to be a really effective supplement in improving muscle strength, endurance and growth and can also be really effective in a short amount of time. A routine gym workout + creatine and protein is really good for results. I hope this helps with your thoughts and ideas!

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