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Hello @TankRadical 


Oh wow that sounds really tough and personally I agree that it can get really frustrating trying to sort out all your faults but don’t know if you are actually doing enough.


I’m 23 now and I feel like there are also certain things that I should have achieved by this age ( like being emotionally mature, a good internship or stable job awaiting me etc), but at the same time, I feel like everyone goes at that own pace and sometimes these goals take time and I feel like it’s good to just move forward without expecting too much while eyeing the price at the same time.


In regards to like red flags, I get ya as well, sometimes I also feel like maybe I’m not really at my best for people or that I don’t provide the best support and so, but I feel like that’s okay, sometimes improvement takes time as well and most importantly they are non-linear, which makes it harder to track.


Overall, it’s great to see you striving to improve yourself for your friends and family, and I feel like they would be very much appreciative of your efforts in the long term 😊





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