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Hey! @Zoolie Firstly just want to say that I think you are such a strong person for being able to be around people like that and to still hold your own values closely- that can be really hard to do. 


Second, I want to say that I can definitely relate and have seen people like this during my own school experience. I remember one girl who was just like friend A - who picked a new best friend every week and clung to them. I definitely understand how that feels!! 


It can be so tricky to connect with a new friend group and disconnect with an old one and it can bring a bit of drama into your life (especially if your old friends are people who like drama, which it sounds like they are). But i promise you it is definitely worth moving groups. From my experience, when you find people who have the same values as you, it will make a big difference for your mental health and will just generally improve your life so much!! 


Sometimes friendships can pop up in unusual places, so take the time getting to know people you wouldn't typically hang out with. One of my closest friends now is someone who i was in the same class as for 5 years but never really spoke to until uni. I find it so crazy that I never knew how funny and amazing she was just because I never put effort into speaking with her. 


Anyways I hope this advice is helpful!! I am proud of you for knowing what you want and trying to change the situation. Let me know how you go! 😄💜

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