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Hi @Rara,

Thanks for providing the community with an insight on how we can perceive social media, breaking down the connections that relate to information and communication.


You made a really good point that should be emphasised in the sense that social media and internet is a great way to stay informed about important occurances around us and an opportunity for learning from multiple credible sources and authors that is a big upside to modern communications.


Personally, I like to take advantage of this idea that social media and credible influences can influence an exploration of new learning and exploring new perspectives on important ideas with varying interpretations.


My personal way to avoid misconception is to proceed towards subscribing to news channels and scientific channels to avoid misconceptions, as these source provide scientific and studied cases that are affecting our everyday lives, e.g. new headlines or scientific breakthroughs.


Thank you very much for this post @Rara 🤩!

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