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Hi @Red_Giraffe 


I think you are definitely not ‘crazy’ or ‘controlling’ for reacting this way to your situation. As this behaviour has come on suddenly, and is happening quite frequently, it is completely understandable to be feeling a bit confused or hurt. 

I have read that you have tried expressing your feelings to your partner, but it doesn’t really help. I am sorry that you aren’t feeling heard or respected. If you want to have another go at having a conversation, here are 6 steps to help you tackle difficult situations. I really like point 2, which explains to use “I” statements instead of “you” to lessen the chance of your partner feeling attacked. 

I really empathise with your situation, it’s tricky and I wish I could give more specific advice. I think overall, you are completely valid in your feelings, and your boyfriend should not be getting mad or making you feel bad for just wanting to spend time with them. Also, anything they do which makes you uncomfortable is also okay. It’s important (and normal) to have boundaries.

sending love, and hope to speak again soon ❤️

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