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Super frequent scribe

Hello @yeah_it_tahtperson 


Sorry to hear that you been having a rough time, getting your LinkedIn deactivated while still trying to find a job is definitely quite nuisance. However, it is good to see that you are getting it sorted with Headspace at the moment.

Also I feel you as well, maintaining a social life takes quite a bit of work on my end as well especially since my hobbies consist of language learning ( but only the more unconventional ones) so there really is nobody to talk to about it or any conversation groups to go and bond with, with the content going over my friends head most of the time.


Personally, most if not all of my friends don’t have any interests that relate with me and conversations are normally more life or joke oriented. Typically, meet up centers around food in new cafes or restaurants or anyway really these days, if that’s something you would like to consider.


In terms of being indecisive that’s rough, I suffer with such an issue as well and it takes quite of bit of mental gymnastics or planning to pursue a given decision. In any case, I found it helpful to plan if possible and if not I typically try not to rush it and not be too harsh on myself when the decision takes longer than expected, so I believe it’s perfectly normal to go at it in your pace.


In any case, I hope these comments were of help and I wish you luck on your endeavours ☺️

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