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Hello, so I didn’t get my High School education here in Australia but I finished up my final years of High school in the year 2018. 

I would admit it was very nerve-wrecking and anxiety-inducing at the time for me and that’s perfectly normally if you feel the same way as well. 

Some advice I would give on this would be that:


1. No matter what you get, be proud of the fact that you made it through your final years of High School. I would admit I didn’t do the best in my final years of High school ( I didn’t reach most of my predicted scores). But looking back at it now, it’s alright because even with that score I got to go into Pre-U which then prepared me for Uni. It was a first big step toward something more for me and I’m pretty grateful for the opportunities given so keep at it regardless of the your grades 


2. It’s okay to give yourself some time to process it all. Receiving your grades is a really nerve wrecking and anxiety-inducing process and it’s fine to give yourself ample amount of personal time after regardless of what you got or if it’s considered “bad” or “good”


3. Finally, you don’t need to share the grades that you get if you don’t want to. Your grades are a personal matter of yours and whether you wish to disclose it is up to you in the end, so don’t feel pressured to do so if you don’t want to.


In any case, I wish you all the best of luck in getting your grades next week ☺️

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