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Hi @BonafidePotato


I can totally agree with feeling the pressure to get a job and having way too much time on your hands over the holidays. I was one of the last of my friends to get a job and even now I'm stuck in that same predicament since my job is only on over the school term so I've got nothing to do in the holidays. 


It's great you're searching and applying for jobs and I think since you're putting in so much effort to try and get a job, it might be worth putting some pressure off yourself - you're going to improve at this process in time and, for right now, you're doing all you can and you are not at all failing. So many people struggle finding employment, especially if you're in the early stages of entering the workforce, so this issue doesn't mean anything about you as a person.


One thing I really enjoy doing over the holidays is to take up some volunteering roles - like at an animal shelter, a foodbank, an aged care village, a hospital, a forest tree planting; anything that interests you. Yes, you won't get money from it but it can be something fulfilling to do while you've got lots of exess time and can also look good on a resume. 


Even if you don't get a job these holidays, try and spend your time doing some self-care and activities you want to do and which relax and fulfil you because this is your time and your break - there's no shame in leisure even if sometimes society can make us feel like there is!


Enjoy your break and good luck on the job hunt 🙂

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