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Hi @Amelia_RO


Happy New Years!!! I'm glad to have found this post so that I can reflect on my experiences in 2024 as well as what's to come in 2025. I love a lot of these prompts 💜


Some activity reflections:



- This year I am grateful for my resilience, the opportunities that have presented themselves to me, all the yummy food I got to try this year, all the beautiful places I got to see/trips I got to go on, and this forum!

- A song to sum up the year would be All My Life by Falling in Reverse or When You're Young by UNDR WRPS.

- The main book I read this year was Husband Hunting with ConFIDANce by Fidan Shevket (Fidan_Tok on TikTok), which was my favourite and I have a signed copy. I also read a lot of extreme horror books.

- I watched way too many TV shows to even list so we'd be here forever haha, The Frog (Korean drama on Netflix) was quite good I remember.

- A nice meal I had this year was going out for Korean BBQ or getting these massive toasties with hashbrown, egg, and kewpie mayo inside it.

- A word to sum up this year would be 'difficult.'



- 5 activities to do in the new year: go on more day trips, learn Tarot cards, eat more yummy foods, build some more mini legos, and go to some comedy shows.

- A song that resonates with me when I think about the new year is Saturn by SZA (hoping for something more positive).

- I want to read some of the horror books I have on my list.

- I'm looking forward to Squid Game season 3 coming out!!!

- I'm looking forward to more toasties in the new year!

- A word to sum up the new year would be 'hopeful.'

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