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Hi @HazelHazelton

I want to start by thanking you for your post! Posting about life experiences can be a very challenging thing to do, especially when it comes to friends and friendships. I want to commend you on your strength and your ability to look after your well-being by taking these steps, you should be very proud of yourself 🙂 

I'm really sorry to hear that this message from your friend is making you feel overwhelmed, i can imagine that this may be a very heard thing to read and comprehend and i want you to know that it's more than ok to feel an array of strange and strong emotions right now. You're only human and I'm sure many community members can agree as well as myself that its normal to feel like the world is on top of you when it comes to changing friendships. 

From what i have read i can see that your friend meant a lot to you and that you meant a lot to your friend. Connection is such a beautiful thing, and while we may hope our friendships stay the same it's important to remember that change is a factor of life no matter how much we don't want it to be. having a close friend or any friends life go in a different direction can be a very challenging thing to come to terms with It's important to remember the beauty  and love for that it was and not define it by this one moment. And while the friendship may seem to of ended, you never know what the future holds and where life takes you both 🙂 

I also want you to know that none of what has happen is your fault and it's really important to not blame or take what has happen out on ourselves. I wondering what support you may have such as other friends or family, or even professional supports such as a counsellor that can support you through this change?

I'm also wondering if you been able you talk to anyone about your friendship, or ever to your friend since you received this message?

Finally i want to provide you with some links to two really amazing articles ReachOut has on changing friendships. 

4 steps for coping with changing friendships 
The mate breakup: 6 ways to make sure you're okay when a friendship ends 

Wish you all the best and hope to hear from you soon 🙂 

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