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Super frequent scribe

Hello@eden_m01 ,


Sorry to hear what has been going on with your girlfriend as of now, must be tough especially since it seems like your girlfriend has give you much needed encouragement and support throughout your life and it pains you to see your girlfriend like this (as pointed out by@Astra-RO


I feel you as well, I also had the best time of my life when I initially met my girlfriend and I was practically on cloud-nine as well. But as I get to know her more, I saw that she was a person with a lot of struggles as well with her own emotions in regards to her family relationships and there were points where they were very strong fights and silent wars going on between us as well. But personally in most of my cases, I typically let her process her emotion for awhile and typically she would calm down or recollect herself and then we would make up.


However, as@Astra-RO has said, I seems like you have done quite a bit to be there and reach out to her at this crucial time.


Have you contacted or talk to anyone that your girlfriend is close to or trust at this stage? It might be a good way to check if your girlfriend doing well or has reached out to anyone at this stage in regards to her depression 

In any case, as@Astra-RO has mentioned, I would also like to ask if you been taking care of yourself as well as it can really helps with what you are going through now at the moment?


Personally, when I'm under relationship stress, I'll typically do something physical more than anything else (such as long walks around the neighbourhood, clean up my room, cooking etc). These activities usually work out a sweat for me and it really release all of the strong emotions I have at the moment and help me have a clearer mind to rethink my perspective on the matter again.


In any case, the community will be there for you and I'll be there to talk as well 


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