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Hi @Vizion101 🩵


I am sorry to hear that your friends feel like they need a break from you. It’s totally understandable that you would be feeling sad and lonely because of it. Although everyone has the right to admit when they need some distance, it’s pretty unfair of them to make you feel bad for being yourself. I want to assure you that you aren’t too much, nor do you need ‘fixing’.
I have been in similar situations where I have tried to change myself in order to keep friends. It often makes me feel worse in the long run since I am not being myself. Now out of school, I don’t have that many friends, but the ones I do have I can be 100% myself around, and they never make me feel like I’m being too loud, too emotional etc.

@Bailey_RO has provided some great resources, and I empathise with your situation right now as it may be a bit awkward to be around them as you mentioned. But I just wanted to reply to give you a bit of hope that you will eventually find your people, and that you are genuinely amazing just the way you are ❤️


sending love, and hope to speak soon 😇

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