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Hi @Tulip_Starling🌷


It's lovely to hear from you again, welcome back. I am so sorry to hear you have been feeling crap lately. Christmas is a difficult time for many anyway, and having to experience your first one since losing your uncle must have been so hard. I am so sorry for your loss. If you’d like to take a look, the Grief and loss space here on ReachOut has some resources for anyone experiencing these feelings. 

On the other hand, I am glad you have been finding my circle helpful, and I am SO proud of you for reaching over 1 month without self harm. That is an amazing accomplishment and I imagine that couldn't have been easy over during the holiday period. ❤️


It sounds like you are also a bit nervous about art this year and what life may look like after school, which is completely valid. I was also really scared of what life after year 12 would look like. The uncertainty can be super daunting. Is there anything in particular making you nervous about art, or mainly because you are going to miss your previous teacher? It really sucks when your favourite teacher leaves. 


Counselling or working in a library sound like awesome jobs! and it's so great you have been thinking about things you may be interested in. The letters to people at school idea is also such a beautiful gesture! 

hope to speak again soon 🫶🏻


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