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Casual scribe

I feel like my family has ruined my childhood

My family and I spent the first 7 years of my life and 9 years of my sister’s life in a social urban area. We had neighbours who were basically family and girls who were about our age next door. We moved in 2017 and I couldn’t handle it at the time, I was freaking out. We moved to the rural country, quiet and eco, it was beautiful but so so quiet. This wasn’t a problem because I went to public school and was social there, but I do not fit into the system so now to help with my mental health I go to online school from home, it helps with my depression but now I talk to no one. On special occasions I go out if I have a club/group I meet up with, like last year I met up with my acting group but that’s over and the loneliness starts again. My sister just moved out too, my best friend. I have my parents but my mum is going through a lot and me and my dad’s relationship is difficult. I’m so lonely, I have online friends but even they aren’t the best sometimes and they’re getting older so they’re busy and moving out but I’m still here with nothing and no one. I’m so lonely, it feels like my life would’ve been different if I stayed in my old suburb, I would’ve been happier. There’s a reason the people who live here are old retired people, because they don’t have a living breathing kid who needs to learn how to socialize. I’m just lost, I hate it here.

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