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Hi @AcidMonster55 ❤️


I can really relate to your feelings of guilt and shame when reading all the awful things happening across the world. It’s so unjust and cruel. These tragedies have been happening for so long, and with no signs of it getting better soon, I agree that it is definitely overwhelming. I also feel like I am not doing enough, and I find that feeling doesn’t lessen much even when I can donate/share. I imagine in todays world a lot of people would feel this way from witnessing confronting things on social media. I think taking breaks and disconnecting is a really good idea. I know you may feel bad doing this, but I promise that you are not a terrible person for taking care of your own well-being. Self care is so important not only for our health, but to be able to thrive and perform at our best. It’s hard to take care of others without taking care of ourselves too. 

I think volunteer work sounds great, and would definitely be a huge help towards these issues. From what you have written, I can tell you have a huge heart which is why the world is so lucky to have you caring about the needs of others. Recognising your privilege and working on your prejudices also tells me you are definitely not blind to peoples suffering. 

I am wondering, have you ever considered speaking to a professional about these feelings? It must be hard to manage all these heavy feelings on your own, and you shouldn’t be expected to. 

sending lots of love 🫶🏻

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