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I'm back part 2
So A few days I returned back to the forum after taking a bit of time to work on my mental health, I made great progress with my mental health and my councillor. And I would like to take a couple minutes to express some of the things I have learnt about mental health and a few other things.
Firstly I'll start with it's ok not to be ok. We have so much pressure place on us to be ok all the time even when were not. I found that a lot of the time last year when I was in really rough patches, I was still smiling even when I wasn't ok because I have been taught that other people shouldn't know your problems that you should keep it to yourself. But I have found since I have been confiding with my councillor more often it takes a weight of that you don't really know is weighing you down and sometimes you don't know how heavy the weight is until you share it and take it off.
Secondly if you are struggling please seek help it is scary to make the call or start up the chat but after you do, yes you may have all these conflicting emotions but it will help you see alot clearer, you will see that yes things may be bad but they will get better. Not all rough patches last forever. there are so many place you can go for help like your local mental health center, your gp or even kids helpline or the butterfly foundation. There is so many resources that you can use because they want to help you.
Thirdly you are imperfectly perfect. You may have scars or have face trama in your life but these things have shapped the beautiful strong unique human that you are. No one will ever be like you and you shoulnt be worried what others think you are beautiful even if you cant see it everyone else can. Your looks beliefs, race, sexually or your ethnicity don't define you, it's the way you act in difficult times and how you treat people that matters to me.
And lastly sometimes fine didn't mean fine. The scale sometimes goes great, good okay, not okay, I don't like you, fine.
Yous are all such beautiful people please be kind to others and most importantly, be kind to yourself, you deserve it. And until next time I hope you are doing well. X
@Maryhadalittlelamb thank you for sharing all of the things that you have learnt about mental health these are some really valuable insights. It's great to have the reminder that it's okay not to be okay and that there is always help out there if you need it ♥
Thank you @May_ for your support and I'm here to chat if you need to
Hi @Maryhadalittlelamb and thank you so much for checking in with us I have seen your post from last week as well and there are some really strong messages of hope that others here can gain from reading your journey
We are so happy to hear that you are taking steps forward in your recovery journey, connecting with your support network and reflecting on the strengths you are taking away from your experiences I can't begin to describe how powerful that is!
I am wondering if you would be interested in our builder program? I think you would make a great builder!
Hi @Jess1-RO thank you for your kind words and replying to my post. I've started to get real with my emotions and I know it was big step as my councillor put it, I would love to be a builder, I'm not sure if I'm going to sign up tho because I'm not on all the time and I will need to take some times to step back and see my direction again but I'll give it a try, coz I think it would be good thank you @Jess1-RO