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WW: 6th March- Mental health journey as a squiggle

My mental health journey as a squiggle


I was inspired by @gina-RO's presentation at last year's mod workshop about how our mental health recovery is not as straight-forward; it's full of ups and downs and endless twists and turns! So I thought, why not turn this into a wellbeing activity?


Screen Shot 2019-02-19 at 11.41.25 am.png

Here is how the activity works:


1. Draw and then post a picture of your "squiggle" that represents your mental health journey in the style of the squiggles in the above picture. 


2. Make sure that your squiggle ends with an arrow going "up". This represents how posting your squiggle is making positive progress in your mental health journey, as you acknowledge that while recovery is not as straight-forward and may involve a lot of "downs", the "ups" in your squiggles indicate that there is hope. 


For example, here is mine: 

Scan 26 Feb 2019 at 1.02 pm.jpg


Keen to see yours! Smiley Very Happy

Esperanza67Posted 06-03-2019 11:47 AM


EmoSoldierPosted 13-07-2022 07:33 PM


 slowly moving up. Right now I'm in the pit though. But I guess I'm trying

Portia_ROPosted 13-07-2022 06:58 PM

Hi everyone! Reviving this old thread for tonight's WW. Here's my mental health squiggle - there's been peaks and troughs, but I'm glad to finally be on my way up!


Screenshot 2022-07-13 185609.png



skyedrePosted 06-03-2019 12:54 PM

Awesome idea! Really like the idea that progress doesn't have to be linear. 


Here's mine (drawing is so hard with a touchpad haha)

Screen Shot 2019-03-06 at 12.51.57 pm.png

gina-ROPosted 06-03-2019 01:13 PM

@skyedre  I'm impressed that you drew that with a touch pad!! 

Love that. 


I did mine the old-fashioned way (pen and paper) and took a photo! 



BeePosted 06-03-2019 10:18 PM

This is such a great idea @Esperanza67!

LIke @gina-RO , I'm impressed by the touchpad @skyedre !


I think I did mine about 10 times before I settled on this one. I did one which ended up being more detailed than what I felt comfortable sharing so I redid it a few times and used paint with my mouse. (This isn't one continuous line, but lots of little ones in paint 😛 )




For me, I don't feel like I've reached full recovery, but I'm also mindful that recovery isn't a destination but rather a journey... and along on this journey I have met some pretty incredible people who have helped me and taught me about different aspects of mental health and wellbeing.

lennycat2017Posted 07-03-2019 12:16 PM

I really love this thread because so often people think that mental health is just 'being down' without fully comprehending that you can have good and bad days and still feel lost inside of it all. This thread just encapsulates that it is a journey and that everyone's is completely different! No two squiggles are the same! 




Personally I have come along way from some dark days in my life but never quiet gotten back to my 'starting point' and I'm okay with that. Mental health teaches you so much about yourself that I don't think I will ever get back to my starting point, I am a different person now and I am still learning to find who that is everyday. It's important not to compare yourself to who you were before and critique yourself for things that have changed about you during your journey. I have also learnt about my triggers and how to manage those a heck of a lot better and that lil squiggle is still climbing Smiley Happy 



BeePosted 07-03-2019 09:40 PM
@lennycat2017 I was thinking that yesterday! That I'm not back where I was prior to mental health issues! But I absolutely agree about being a different person now and learning who I am as a person. I think for sure I've learnt more about myself after mental illness came than before mental illness was around. And I'm a LOT more self-aware now of myself!

Learning about triggers is also an important part of recovery I think too. Especially with what they are and then how to manage them 🙂

Here is to climbing squiggles! 😄
DruidChildPosted 08-03-2019 10:46 PM

Here’s mine! I redid it a few times. The first big drop is from when I was five, from there things went downhill, then up and down, then up and down, and up and down! I think I’m on a slow upward curve now 🙂 I wanted my squiggle to be the colour of the ocean, because I think mental health can come in tides, just like the sea. 




I really admire everyone’s honesty, sincerity, and bravery in sharing their ‘squiggles!’ Seeing the big drop in yours actually made me tear up a bit @gina-RO. It made me think if you made it, maybe so can we. Heart


gina-ROPosted 11-03-2019 10:13 AM

@DruidChild  @Bee  @lennycat2017  Love all of your squiggles! 

Everyone's is so unique- and as you said @Bee  there is no destination of recovery, only an ongoing journey Smiley Happy

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