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Weekly Wellbeing: Happy Halloween!


In the spirit of Halloween we thought this weeks well being activity could have a bit of a spooky theme. We’re going to keep things light and fun because sometimes the best thing you can do for your well being is to get creative and have some fun! 


Creativity can take many forms and everyone is drawn to different projects so we’ve made a list below of some fun things you can do to celebrate Halloween: 


  • Click here to find some spooky stencils to colour in or you can make your own art
  • Get in the kitchen and create some yummy Halloween treats. Here are some ideas for treats you can make. 
  • Write a scary story/fan fiction 
  • Put together a next level costume. It can be really fun going to op-shops and finding stuff to re purpose or even digging around in your closet to see what you can put together with things you already own. 
  • Hit up Youtube and try some Halloween/Special FX makeup tutorials to accompany your costume. 
  • Make a Halloween playlist on Youtube/Spotify 

(Btw if you need a laugh there's heaps of gifs of this pumpkin person dancing on giphy. I really wanted to put them all in this post but it would have been a bit over the top Smiley Tongue)




  • Share a picture of your art/baked goods/scary story/costume (remember that we are an anonymous forum so the pictures should not include anything that would identify you)


  • Will you be giving out tricks or treats this year? 



Bre-ROPosted 30-10-2019 12:51 PM


drpenguinPosted 31-10-2019 08:40 PM

Happy halloween everyone! Smiley Happy I hope all of you have a great night dressed up and having fun!




I didn't do anything for Halloween this year though Smiley Indifferent ; I'm not too much of a halloween celebrator (sorry!). I wish I could at least give out candy, but I live in an apartment with tight security (each tenant has floor-specific keycards that only allows them to go to the floor they live on). Still, I look forward to what you guys have done for halloween! Man Very Happy

RylielloydPosted 08-11-2019 12:10 AM

Well it was one of the best Hallowens that i had in 25 years it was so awesome ! 

ecla34Posted 31-10-2019 06:59 PM

@Bre-RO ohhhh my gosh! Such a cute idea! 😄 Heart


This is me in October:


Tim Burton Halloween GIF

I wish i'd thought to take a pic of the snacks I made for a Halloween movie night last week! I made fruit skewers with gummy body parts on them (which surprisingly all got eaten Smiley LOL). I also dressed as a vampire, which is always fun! 🎃🧛‍♀️💀

It was a super fun and creative way of spending time with friends and getting a little spooky, i agree with you that Halloween is good chance to get creative and dress up in a way you might not usually!

Unfortunately where I live isn't really accessible for people who don't know it's there, so no trick or treaters here 😞 


Is anyone doing anything cool for Halloween that they'd like to share! 😄 I'm always looking for ideas! Smiley LOL



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