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I just want to lovee (life rant)
This just something I wanted to rant about and get off my chest, you don't have to interact with this post if you don't want to😙
Paiehevisb lately I've been on social media (I've been sick for the past few days so I stayed home from school🤒) and I was talking to my friend in Canada when they kept on bringing up this boy they like and for some reason I started to get a little jealous. Anyway later that night I had trouble sleeping and all I could imagine was having a special somebody all to myself, someone who I could freely express myself to, someone who I could cover in kisses and whisper cutesy stuff into their ear, and they could do the same back to me. Someone who appreciates me for who I am and not what I am, someone who I could overlove and they wouldn't mind... I also started questioning my sexuality (I was straight but Im pretty sure I'm bi😋) and yeah I just wanted to say all that. As to if this dream person exists or not... I'm not sure. I mean I hope they do, cause I want to find someone like myself (shy, overthinks but is always willing to help) and I hope I'm not over expecting or anything.
Anyway that was all j wanted to say, if you're still here thank you for reading 😚 and uhh luv you all, peace out
Heyyy, I’m really glad you felt comfortable sharing this with us at ReachOut! 💖 It’s completely okay to have those kinds of feelings and thoughts, especially when you're just trying to process everything. It sounds like you're in a place of wanting to feel seen and loved in the same way that you want to love someone else, which is super natural and beautiful.
The jealousy thing with your friend talking about a crush? That’s actually really common, especially when you're feeling a bit down or isolated (like with being sick and all that). Sometimes, seeing other people have something we want—whether it’s a relationship, or just that connection—can bring up those emotions. It’s not about not being happy for them, but more about that longing to feel seen and loved too.
And about questioning your sexuality? That’s a really big thing to be figuring out, and it's totally okay to take your time with it. It’s normal for feelings to shift, especially as you grow and get more in touch with who you are. If you feel like you're somewhere in the middle, that’s perfectly fine. Bi, straight, queer, pan—labels are there to help us feel understood, but they don’t have to define us in a rigid way. It’s all about what feels right for you. ❤️
And as for your dream person, the one who will appreciate you for who you truly are, with all your quirks and overthinking… they absolutely exist. Sometimes the world has a funny way of making us wait for that special connection, but I really do believe that when the time is right, you'll find someone who gets you. The most important part is knowing that you're worthy of that love, even if it feels a little distant right now. Sometimes it can feel like we’re asking for too much or expecting too much, but that’s not the case at all. You deserve someone who sees all the goodness in you and loves you exactly as you are.
Sending you so much love and support as you work through these thoughts. 💕 You are amazing, just as you are. And if you ever need to talk more or just vent, I’m always here! Take care of yourself and rest up—you deserve it. 💫
Hi @Estakz
I'm hearing that you felt a sense of jealousy when your friend was talking about the boy they like, and that this has made you feel like you really wish you had someone for yourself. I think it can be difficult to hear others talk about romance and things like that when you really want that for yourself too, I've been in that situation a bunch in the past and I know from personal experience it can amplify your want for someone else.
I'm also hearing that you've started to question your sexuality. I'm wondering how you're going with that at the moment?
Best wishes 💜
Thank you for using the Reach Out Forum!
Just wanted to validate how what you're feeling can be a shared experience and it can be tough seeing others in relationships when we want to be in one too.
Im in the same boat, I've never dated and it makes me feel a bit jealous of those who do.
I think you will find your person 🙂 It may take time but you are so worthy of love.
Maybe this season of life is about loving yourself 🙂
Take care and thank you for reaching out here!!
Hey @Estakz
It’s great that you were able to recognise how you were feeling when talking to your friend. Is there anything you do to manage your feelings of jealousy? Daydreaming about finding a partner is completely normal. It sounds like you want to be love and love. These are core parts of any good relationship. I’m sure that the right person for you is out there and I don’t think you’re asking for too much.
It can be hard to gain an understanding of your sexuality. It sounds like you have accomplished that, it’s really commendable. Sexuality is pretty fluid so don’t feel stressed if your feelings change over time (not that they will).
Hellooo @Lapis_Anteater
Thank youuu for the praise😚 as for what I do to manage my jealousy, I usually just hug and cuddle my pillow, think and daydream about cutesy scenarios or scroll through Instagram. I know it's not the healthiest thing, but I'm trying to find other things to do.
Beside that thank you for caring, and I'll try not to stress about my sexuality 😁 have a good one
Hey @Estakz 🩵
It seems like you want to find love with that special person, which is causing you to feel a bit jealous of your friend who may be starting to experience this for themself. Firstly, it is completely normal to feel this way. As a single person, I know I have definitely felt a bit envious of others at times when they show parts of their loving relationship. I think it’s an understandable emotion, and just shows how much we really want that for ourselves.
Just out of curiosity, have you ever thought of going on dates and actively seeking out someone to start a relationship with? I’m not sure if your age or other circumstances so please forgive me if this doesn’t apply to you. But it seems like you are ready to experience love for yourself, which is awesome! I recommend checking out the Romantic Relationships section here on ReachOut for some great articles on different aspects of dating, relationships etc.
That being said, I want to also say that it’s perfectly okay to be single! I truly believe there is someone for everyone and that with patience we will find the perfect people. This Being single doesn’t mean you are missing out article may help you find some comfort in being single for the time being.
sending love and hope to speak again soon 😊
Hellooo @LilacLeopard14
I have tried dating people and asking people out and all that stuff, but it all usually ends with me getting shutdown and rejected. Either that there's no one in my age range or anything like that (I'm 15). Besides that I'll make sure to read the article, might be of use 😋
Anyway ty for the help, means a lot to me. Talk to you soon hopefully ❤️