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I keep leaving every guy I talk to

Hi all I have pure o ocd but I don’t know if this has anything to with what my problems I always leave guys i really like I struggle with communication and it’s difficult when I don’t even know why I do it things go so well and then I self sabotage and then eventually go back and they always let me back in to there lives and I do it again I hate it makes me feel awful but I just don’t why or how I can stop it I don’t know what is wrong with me I would appreciate any advice please xx 🫤

IzzyyyPosted 05-12-2024 05:07 PM


sunnygirl606Posted 06-12-2024 12:42 PM

Hi @Izzyyy thank you for sharing your experience with us. 


Like what @Lily_RO said, relationships can be complicated enough on their own. It can get overwhelming and then do things we don't understand why. 


When i was going through my tough patches with depression, I would talk to people then go MIA and would just repeat the same cycle. What helped me the most was talking out loud about it to someone i trusted. I highly suggest talking to someone you trust regarding your OCD if you aren't already. They might provide insight to how it is affecting the relationships you begin to inform. 


Best of luck😇

Lily_ROPosted 05-12-2024 08:23 PM

Hi @Izzyyy welcome to the ReachOut community! It’s lovely to have you here 😊

Thank you so much for sharing your situation with us here, I appreciate that sharing lived experience of mental health challenges isn’t always easy. It sounds like you’re going through a really tough time navigating relationships and some of the not-so-helpful relationship patterns you experience. It’s completely understandable to feel worried and confused about behaviours like self-sabotaging and leaving people you like. It sounds like you're interested in understanding more about these patterns and how their cycle could be broken, which I think is really admirable 🙂

I firstly wanted to acknowledge that there is nothing ‘wrong’ with you. Relationships can be complicated, and it’s normal to struggle with patterns of behaviour that seem difficult to break. Many people experience similar challenges in relationships that you face, and there are always explanations behind these things. The fact that you’re aware of these patterns, and that they’re not serving you, is already a big step towards improving your situation. 

In terms of understanding the ‘why’ behind these patterns, I wanted to share an article that might offer a good starting point. We have an article that discusses some of the reasons why people might feel afraid of getting into a relationship here. I hope you find it helpful!

I’m curious about whether you have had the chance to share any of this with someone close to you. Sometimes talking to friends or family who care and know us well can provide insights about ourselves and our situation that we hadn’t even considered. 

I'm also wondering if you are receiving any mental health support for your OCD? The reason I ask is if you are curious about how OCD might be influencing your relationship patterns, it could be worth exploring this further with a mental health professional. There are many face-to-face, online, or telephone options for this depending on your preference. Let us know if you're wanting to find out more about these options and we'll be happy to provide some more info 🙂

Thank you again for reaching out here, the ReachOut community are here for you 🌻

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