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TW: (suicide, self harm) Stuff i want to talk about

Hey Everyone,

I've got a few things to get of my chest/get help with, I hope this doesn't sound to much like I'm ranting heaps, also if your having a bad day probably don't read this.


So I have Bipolar Disorder and I was actually going ok until a few weeks ago. It started of as sort of just low moods or a bit grumpy, I went to my psychiatrist and she said we should keep an eye on it.

Then it started getting worse and I started self harming again to help with the nothing feeling and other stuff, It wasn't extremely bad but it was definitely worse.

Now I have this friend who is very clingy and possessive, she also likes to ask very personal questions (mainly about bipolar).


She's a really nice friend but sometimes she takes it to far and doesn't stop asking even when I say I don't really like talking about it, because of this I moved schools because I just couldn't really hand it anymore and I'm terrible at saying no. I still see her at least 4 times a week. Now whenever she has a problem she always tells me, last time it was about some people at her school being rude and she was pretty upset, so i skipped my swimming to talk with her, I told her to tell her dad she said no, so asked my mum to message her dad about it. She has been fine after it but when ever she wants me to help her with something


I feel like I ginormous weight has been placed on my shoulders and its like i have deal with so much other stuff, and it just makes me so much more depressed. She also has been incredibly rude to me and then after been like I was only joking or can't you take a joke. She's also pressured me before to give her my passwords for social media etc., sometimes i really hate her but she's also one of my best friends.

Now I am very depressed and went to my psychiatrist and she said if it gets any worse i should probably go to hospital because i am very suicidal and have already tried to commit suicide.

So my main question is how to say no, like how is some good ways to say it.

Thanks so much!

MaddyCat345Posted 11-08-2021 10:15 AM


Philippa-ROPosted 11-08-2021 12:14 PM

@MaddyCat345 I really admire your courage to share - it's not easy to talk about self harm or suicide, but it's so important to be able to and I'm really glad you posted.
We're concerned for you and I wanted to ask - are you safe right now and do you have a safety plan?

Talking about the thoughts you're having is protective so it's really helpful that you've been able to talk to your psychiatrist. Is there anyone else you're able to talk to or call on for support?

I'm sorry to hear that your friendship is adding to your distress.

Being able to say no and set boundaries in relationships isn't easy, but it's an important part of making sure both people feel safe and respected. 
There's some information on our website that might be helpful about how to tell a friend they've hurt you and about dealing with unhealthy friendships.

Do you have any plans for the rest of today?

MaddyCat345Posted 11-08-2021 01:09 PM

Hi Philippa-RO 

I have old safety plans would they work? I am currently at school but after school i will see my mum and also the friend to go to the library. Thank you for the articles they were very helpful!

I hope you are having a good day 🙂


Philippa-ROPosted 11-08-2021 02:31 PM

Hi @MaddyCat345 if the safety plans feel like they still apply for you now, then they would work - it might be worth talking it through with your psychiatrist if you feel like that'd be helpful.

So glad you're catching up with your mum after school - is she someone you can talk to?

Hope you have a good afternoon. 😊

MaddyCat345Posted 11-08-2021 05:46 PM

Hi Philippa-RO,

I was talking to my mum and she said she thinks the safety plans revelant. 

My mum is someone I can talk to but I don't always like to because she can get a bit emotional.  

Matt-ROPosted 11-08-2021 06:29 PM

Hi @MaddyCat345 ,


I'm so glad that you are able to talk to your mum about this. I know what you mean, it can be difficult to talk to friends or family when we need support and they get emotional. I can imagine it could make you hesitate sometimes to speak to them even though she means well and cares about you alot.


Is there anyone else that you trust that you can open up to if you feel like you don't want to talk to your mum?


MaddyCat345Posted 13-08-2021 08:54 AM

I have a school phycoligist but I don't see him much cuz we have a very big school and my phychiatrist. Other than that nobody else because i don't really like talking about with my friends 

Emily-ROPosted 13-08-2021 09:30 AM

Hey @MaddyCat345 That sounds hard that you can't see your school psychologist that often and you don't like talking about it with your friends. We're glad that you can talk about it here 💙 You'll always have a safe space here and we'll always want to listen. 

I'm wondering if you would maybe like a psychologist outside of school? For me, my school psychologist was really busy as well, and it was better to get more appointments with someone else. Do you think that might be something you would like?

MaddyCat345Posted 20-08-2021 10:44 AM

I used to have a psycholigist, amd my mum said i could get a new one. I actually went in to hospital for about 4 days this week. I kind of feel like i went out to early because nothing had changed and its got pretty bad again. it was just mainly my mum didn't want me to be in hospital. 

Hope you are having a good day 🙂

Emily-ROPosted 20-08-2021 01:35 PM

That's nice that you can get a new one! It took me a long time to learn that I can change psychologists if I don't like one. Do you think you would want to find one that you like?

Thank you for sharing with us about your stay in hospital. How are you feeling right now?

Hope you're also having a good day @MaddyCat345 😊

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