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Make a sentence out of as many variations of one root word as possible

Example: root word - question


I questionably question the questionable questionability of this questionably questionable question, the questionable questionability of which may questionably not be questionably questionable at all. 


Your sentences don't need to make perfect sense - their logic may be a little... questionable :))

Mulberry_OwlPosted 25-08-2021 07:05 PM


Emily-ROPosted 27-08-2021 12:04 PM

Hahaha this is a hilarious game @Mulberry_Owl ! 😂 I loved reading your sentence.


Here's my attempt with the root word of 'run'.

The runner ran many runs, but on this particular run, they ran out of time because they were sick and running a temperature with a runny nose! 


Lost_Space_Explorer5Posted 27-08-2021 08:16 PM

I love this idea @Mulberry_Owl! I'm gonna use the word 'time'


The Times didn't time how many times the timer should've timed the thyme before mealtime, but the timing of the pastime was more timely than an old-timer's bedtime at anytime



Next one: tear

Mulberry_OwlPosted 27-08-2021 08:55 PM

@Lost_Space_Explorer5 that would make a great tongue-twister 😆

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