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Getting on top of self care

Hi guys, at the suggestion of @scared01, I would like to work on a self care plan.


My current methods of self care are:

  • Listening to music
  • Having a relaxing cup of tea
  • Mindfulness
  • Breathing exercises

If anyone has any suggestions as to how to go about this, it would be much appreciated. 🙂

mrmusicPosted 09-04-2018 05:58 PM


scared01Posted 20-04-2018 07:03 PM

hey @mrmusic hows your self care plan going?

mrmusicPosted 21-04-2018 08:42 PM

@scared01  right now there is no 'plan' as such, just a list of strategies I've got, and I do have them written in my safety plan as well.

scared01Posted 21-04-2018 08:47 PM

sounds good @mrmusic

mrmusicPosted 21-04-2018 08:54 PM

It's a good start, but I need more help in putting a solid plan in place. It's important to have it in my safety plan, yes, but I also need to be able to spot the very first initial warning signs as well. @scared01 @Esperanza67

scared01Posted 21-04-2018 09:12 PM

what is the first thing you notice @mrmusic when things go down hill abit more. have a think and see if you can notice a pattern in there somewhere...

scared01Posted 09-04-2018 07:39 PM

hey @mrmusic

i like your self care things youve already go so far 

some ther suggestions might be:


-a hot shower/bath

-favourite book? 

-favourite movie? 



do you have a hobby at all? 

Esperanza67Posted 09-04-2018 08:19 PM
Ooh great idea @mrmusic! Here are some of my ways to practice self-care
- Reading a book
- Listening to music
- Doing some art (drawing, painting. I've just recently got into altered book art which I reckon is really good self-care exercise)
- Watching comedies
mrmusicPosted 09-04-2018 08:25 PM

@scared01 I really suck at hobbies to be honest. Thanks for putting down journalling, I already do that, but for some reason didn't write it down! I do read sometimes as well, but I haven't done it much lately.


@Esperanza67 I'm now really interested - what's altered book art? Those sound great!

Esperanza67Posted 17-04-2018 04:18 PM

hey @mrmusic, altered book art is pretty much taking a book and doing whatever you want with it - draw on it, paint all over it, etc. Below are pictures of some examples (but as you can see, some artists really take it to the next level):


It's pretty time-consuming to do but as you can see it is worth it in the end

scared01Posted 10-04-2018 04:22 PM

thats ok not every one has a hobby @mrmusic

what sorts of things do you like to do in general? 


listen to music? do some painting, drawing, card making, sewing, quilting? baking? exercise? 


mrmusicPosted 15-04-2018 07:43 PM

Hey @scared01, I do like listening to music, and sometimes playing also helps (just gotta be careful with that one though, as that’s my job as well!). I find going on walks really helps too.

scared01Posted 17-04-2018 06:00 PM

each day is different isnt it. sometimes things work one day but not another. its a work in prgress @mrmusic keep working on it though

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