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Super frequent scribe

originally posted on 19-09-2016 8:50 PM

Yeah, the whole idea of doing things perfectly is just unhelpful. It's an unrealistic standard and it can make you feel like you need to 'live up' to impossible expectations. And it's thoughts like these that perpetuate into you think you need to achieve highly. I have met so many people who hold the philosophy that says: "it's a HD or the highway" -- which is so far from the truth it isn't funny!

Know what I mean?
Uber contributor

originally posted on 19-09-2016 8:54 PM

also just taking a look at how far I've already come, I've made it through plenty of times I just wanted to throw in the towel and give up on my apprenticeship but I made it through that and I can make it through again
//You can stay afraid, or slit the throat of fear and be brave//
Uber contributor

originally posted on 19-09-2016 8:33 PM

@Randomness that sounds really intense! I'd probably feel that way too with that kind of workload. What do you do normally to stay on top of things?


@RevzZ I actually experienced that the other way around! Although I went from studying highschool subjects I didn't really care about to studying uni subjects I was passionate about, so it probably had more to do with motivation for me

Star contributor

originally posted on 19-09-2016 8:33 PM

@Randomness Yeah, I understand that. For science subjects, they always tell you that you need to study 3 hours for every hour of lecture so it never feels like you have a free spare moment sometimes.
Uber contributor

originally posted on 19-09-2016 8:29 PM

@lokifish Omg wish I had those fish powers! Usually when I get overwhelmed I'm practically useless!! I can barely focus when I'm anxious.

Is studying something that's usually really nerve-wracking for you? What do you think would help you keep your anxiety at bay when you study?

originally posted on 19-09-2016 8:33 PM

@safari93 yeah I'm ridiculously perfectionistic so studying is really anxiety provoking for me. Usually I try and work on challenging those thoughts and rewarding myself when I do little bits of study to help boost my mood a bit

No human being, however great or powerful, was ever so free as a fish
Star contributor

originally posted on 19-09-2016 8:28 PM

Do you find it easy to study? Or is it a bit more challenging for you?

I don't know about anyone else but I've had the strange phase where high school made studying fun but uni made studying less fun. I've got to admit that sometimes when I'm stimulated by interesting content or motivated by a talk or something, I'll get a temporary boost. A long lasting one is definitely the harder one to find. I can testify that Quizup has made it more fun because it still forces me to think up questions, which made me go through the content anyway.

However, studying has always been easy for me but the motivation to start is mainly the problem 😔
Uber contributor

originally posted on 19-09-2016 8:24 PM

Do you find it easy to study? Or is it a bit more challenging for you?


If it's a subject I'm interested in, then studying isn't too hard since I'll literally read anything on the subject. If I don't find it interesting, then studying is a struggle! Motivation is probably the biggest struggle I face when I study

Uber contributor

originally posted on 19-09-2016 8:20 PM

No problemo @N1ghtW1ng! Have a good 'napping' session Smiley Tongue

Uber contributor

originally posted on 19-09-2016 8:21 PM

Do you find it easy to study? Or is it a bit more challenging for you?




Unless it's something i am fascinated by, in which case i have generally already read everything there is to know about it already 😛 

originally posted on 19-09-2016 8:27 PM

I often find studying hard, particularly as my degree is really intense with lots of contact hours and then more study and assignments when I get home. It feels never ending! Sometimes even starting is hard and I just twant a holiday. 

Uber contributor

originally posted on 19-09-2016 8:19 PM

Seems like we've got a real variety of different study techniques listed here! But how do we all feel about studying?


Do you find it easy to study? Or is it a bit more challenging for you?

Uber contributor

originally posted on 19-09-2016 8:23 PM

Do you find it easy to study? Or is it a bit more challenging for you?

I find studying and basically any sort of written work really challenging, I prefer to be doing things with my hands
//You can stay afraid, or slit the throat of fear and be brave//
Uber contributor

originally posted on 19-09-2016 8:18 PM

I'm going to be "napping" and by that I mean watching cartoons so I won't be joining you all tonight, I still need some TLC for my cold. 😞 I wouldn't be much help though, seeing as my studying is writing a couple of pages of notes the night before then reading over "important info" on my way to exams 😛 Have fun guys!! Maybe I'll read through later for some tips, I certainly know I need them! 😄

originally posted on 19-09-2016 8:20 PM

@safari93 uni walks are the best!


@N1ghtW1ng rest up and feel better soon! I'm sure there'll be plenty of tips shared here tonight 🙂

No human being, however great or powerful, was ever so free as a fish

originally posted on 19-09-2016 8:24 PM

Do you find it easy to study? Or is it a bit more challenging for you?

Hahahahah no. But... I don't want to sound like I'm bragging, though I have a nervous breakdown everytime I try and start studying I still somehow end up with HDs. It must be my awesome fish powers

No human being, however great or powerful, was ever so free as a fish
Uber contributor

originally posted on 19-09-2016 8:25 PM

@j95 different people have different learning styles! Have you ever tried studying in a different way? Like for example talking to someone about a topic? 

Uber contributor

originally posted on 19-09-2016 8:30 PM

Well I'm lucky I only go to TAFE once a week and some of the tasks we get assessed on are hands on stuff, unfortunately not all of them.
I haven't really, I've learnt a lot of what I know on the job but when it comes to the written stuff or reading stuff I haven't found a suitable option @Ben-RO
To be honest though, my preferred option would be no work at all
//You can stay afraid, or slit the throat of fear and be brave//
Uber contributor

originally posted on 19-09-2016 8:39 PM

@j95 nursing is a bit like that with the hands-on thing too. I prefer to learn through reading/writing but I'm finding that with healthcare there's only so much you can learn from a textbook.

No human being, however great or powerful, was ever so free as a fish
Super frequent scribe

originally posted on 19-09-2016 8:52 PM

Yep! I'm a reader/writer too!

It is not difficult at all to fill 10+ pages worth of notes. Especially when you studying history and science!
Uber contributor

originally posted on 19-09-2016 8:32 PM

@j95 not gonna lie, sometimes i feel exactly the same way, what motivates you to keep going? 

Uber contributor

originally posted on 19-09-2016 8:37 PM

I have a goal and in order to reach that I have to keep going, even though it sucks at times I'm not going to get where I want if I don't continue @Ben-RO

I also couldn't read till I was like probably at least 10 so I guess I'm pretty thankful that I actually can read now idk
//You can stay afraid, or slit the throat of fear and be brave//
Uber contributor

originally posted on 19-09-2016 8:41 PM

That's huge @j95 🙂  Sometimes there's not fun stuff we have to do to get to the things that we want to achieve or that are important to important to us. It's awesome that you're able to stick it out.  

Uber contributor

originally posted on 19-09-2016 8:16 PM

@lokifish I used to go for walks between study sessions when I was at uni. It's nice to get out of your study space and get some fresh air! I'd listen to music too, so I didn't revert back to stressing about my studies

Uber contributor

originally posted on 19-09-2016 8:14 PM

@j95 Hahaha well hopefully you learn some useful stuff here! 


And welcome @lokifish and @Randomness!! I'm definitely a list person, especially with bigger tasks or assignments that take a while. You feel so accomplished when you finish a bunch of small things, rather than stressing over one big thing