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originally posted on 25-05-2015 8:12 PM

@florenceforever can you also regret things that you have done?

Dreamer 95
Super frequent scribe

originally posted on 25-05-2015 8:18 PM

Hey all,


What are regrets? What do they feel like?


I think regrets are to feel sorry, disappointed, distressed, or remorseful about things


Things like decisions I make or have made because I don’t want to do the wrong thing, feel stuck, uncomfortable, like thinking I am doing wrong, but there are so many different ways that you could suggest regret 

originally posted on 25-05-2015 8:22 PM

welcome @Dreamer 95 , that's a really good contribution.  I definitely agree, they can definitely guide our behaviour

originally posted on 25-05-2015 8:16 PM

We should acknowledge regrets and learn from them.  I didn't really put that in my comment but yeah regrets can sometimes be a big learning curve and can teach us to improve on things like thinking before saying (just for an example).


They can be things you have done.

originally posted on 25-05-2015 8:19 PM

Hmmm I think we have regrets because of a few reasons, some that I can come up with are:

1) we're unaware of the consequences of a specific decision

2) Stress/pressure 

3) We do the best with the knowledge that we have at the time, and realise that decision wasn't the best after gaining more experience and knowledge

originally posted on 25-05-2015 8:14 PM

Definitely @tsnyder - I regret a LOT. But I also don't mind so much having regrets from things I have done, because it has always taught me something. Whereas regrets from not doing something mean that I don't know what I've missed out on learning

Star contributor

originally posted on 25-05-2015 8:04 PM

What are regrets? What do they feel like?


 For me, they feel like guilt.  They tell me how to behave


originally posted on 25-05-2015 8:06 PM

@tsnyder hopefully behaving in a more positive way!