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originally posted on 03-06-2013 9:53 PM
Here is the summary everyone 🙂
How often do you spend on social networking sites a day?
- Some of you said 3 hours a day or over an hour if you added up all the time you go on through the day.
- Social media acts as a procrastination tool and a time waster
Have you shared too much online? How did you feel after?
- We are more open and honest online,
- We also tend to say something and rethink it and remove it. Thank goodness for DELETE
- Sometimes we don’t feel better posting online and sometimes it can be inappropriate.
- We share depending on our audience
What do you do when you see a post that is triggering or offensive?
- Ignoring is best because people can be too opinionated and get defensive online
- We can get more worked up trying to say what we think so it is better left alone.
- Arguments can get very messy online
- Sometimes we try to express our opinions and if we feel okay about it we leave it but if we don’t feel okay with it and it could get seriously aggressive we just need to ignore and delete.
Do you feel more comfortable to share on social networking sites than face to face? Why?
- Depends on the situation
- Some of us said face-to-face is better around friends because we can see their facial features and body language. We can watch for reactions
- Online communication can also work because we open up more and if we feel bothered we can talk about it and feel safe and anonymous.
- Social media is important when you have friends that live overseas it can bring us together even when we are so apart.
- Social media can also help organise social lives and events which is great and no one misses out.
- It can be hard to start a conversation online because you cannot read what their body is saying and you start to worry about what they are saying or if you are bothering them.
- Face to face can also be awkward very quickly especially when we are not talkative or have nothing to talk about.
What negative impacts can social media have on us?
- It is easy for us to forget how to interact and we can easily forget how to use body language and fail to communicate properly
- Some people can also be influenced by social media to do negative and hurtful things.
- Relationships can end over Facebook and it is an ‘easy way out’ for many individuals
- Becoming addicted and isolated
- Can impact our self-esteem
- Can cause overexposing of self to gain more attention.
There is so much good and bad things happening, what can we do to protect ourselves from being victims?
- Use those privacy settings they are there for a reason
- Have a sense to anonymity and do not link accounts
- Don’t add people you don't know, don't like or that don't like you.
- Don’t tolerate bullying use the DELETE button
- If someone's being mean to you online, delete them.
- Avoid getting into fights and over-sharing
- Get to know people face-to-face or Skype chat
- You are being watched online so watch what you do or say
- Don’t use social media when you are feeling vulnerable.
What can we do to enjoy benefits on social media as well as stay attached to the offline world?
- Organizing events and getting together, no one misses out
- Social media brings us together globally.
- Get involved in the issues you care about
- Holding intelligent conversation
- Keeping in touch and make new friends
- Raising awareness about the issues you care about
- Use social media as a reward for homework or study.
- Get some ‘me time’ away from the internet and you will appreciate it more.
If you have a friend/family/colleague that is new to social media, what would be the top 3 things that you'd tell them to do, so to look after themselves online?
- Set privacy settings properly.
- Don't add strangers.
- Remember that while there is a delete button, what is put online may be held against you.
- Get involved in positive safe spaces like the ReachOut forums and do stuff like the community challenge! (like this month's HAPPY THINGS!!)
- Make the most of this new environment
- Beware, it is addictive.
- Make sure you still meet up with people face to face. Online does not substitute offline!
- We at ReachOut are here for you, if fb gets too boring for you ❤️
Thinking about all the positives we've mentioned, what's the one positive thing about social media and mental health that you'll take away from tonight? will you do anything differently?
- Social media is very informative and helpful for long-distance communication.
- Spending more time offline
- Social media keeps us more connected with the people in our lives.
If you would like to read more on this check out these links
Thank you so much to our special contributors tonight N1ghtW1ng, Bee, Birdeye, _sagira_, delicatedreamer and for all of you watching thank you and please come join us next time 🙂
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originally posted on 03-06-2013 8:51 PM
Thanks all for that, it is interesting how most of us prefer face-to-face with friends and sometimes we prefer online communication because we open up more but what we want to know is What negative impacts can social media have on us?
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originally posted on 03-06-2013 8:37 PM
What do you do when you see a post that is triggering or offensive?
I hate ignorance and when someone say something offensive I try to assess the situation and if I feel the need to express my opinion then I will, I do like getting into an intelligent debate but when it gets a bit serious or aggressive or if it can be a bad situation I ignore and delete.
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originally posted on 03-06-2013 8:41 PM
Thanks for all your responses everyone.
Since we have a choice to access to face to face communication or social media communication. It comes down to a choice. So which one do you feel more comfortable using? And why?
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originally posted on 03-06-2013 8:48 PM
face to face communication or social media communication. It comes down to a choice. So which one do you feel more comfortable using? And why?
This sort of depends on the situation.
I find it really hard to just start a conversation with someone online, and also find it really hard to post a comment to something on line. I start questioning whether I'm annoying/bothering them, if they were intending to leave and feel worse when I'm ignored. One of my best current friendships has come about because of the amount of time we spend talking online though and I don't really worry about silences or how I'm looking at the time.
Face to face can turn awkward easier I think, I don't get given time to think of some cool reply and if I'm not being talkative I can't use an excuse for why the conversation isn't going well - it's simply because of us. I'm more certain that I'm not bothering them though, and I feel like I'm making more of a connection when we're getting a long.
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originally posted on 03-06-2013 8:54 PM
@Birdeye - for sure those awkward silences are awkward. And social media gives you to opportunity to go and think about something before replying and your companion wouldn't really hold you against it because, hey, you may be occupied on a diff site.Any negatives you could think of tho?
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originally posted on 03-06-2013 8:47 PM
Well, I have a lot of friends overseas so I really appreciate how social media makes the world seem a lot smaller. In fact a friend of mine passed away on the other side of the world and being able to make a closed facebook group where all his friends from around the world could come together and remember him, that was really special and I felt really grateful to facebook for that... However with my friends and family here in the same city, I mainly use facebook to organise my social life and share information... rather than have conversation about feelings and stuff! For that I definitely prefer face to face! Online Community Manager
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originally posted on 03-06-2013 8:45 PM
Since we have a choice to access to face to face communication or social media communication. It comes down to a choice. So which one do you feel more comfortable using? And why?
It really depends on what the situation is. I know that it can be really hard for me to talk to my therapist one on one and often spend a lot of time talking in a round about manner trying to psych myself up. If I choose to e-mail and write to her about it, I get straight to the point, often more open, more accurate and more detailed.
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originally posted on 03-06-2013 8:45 PM
Since we have a choice to access to face to face communication or social media communication. It comes down to a choice. So which one do you prefer? And why?
I prefer talking face to face with my friends, people I'm comfortable around but when it comes to people I feel awkward talking too, talking over the internet, instant messaging for me, works best. Face to face is better around my friends because I can watch them. Watch their reactions and because I feel comfortable when I'm with them. Social media communication is also a plus for me because, if something's bothering me, I can talk about it and no one will know who I am in person so I can remain unknown.
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originally posted on 03-06-2013 8:51 PM
@N1ghtW1ng - Thanks for pointing that talking face-to-face require that form of comfort. With technology, we can talk anonymously...like Batman!@_sagira_ - that is an interesting insight, Why do you think you go to the point more when it is typing /email?
@Sophie - sorry for your loss hun. Thanks for sharing tho 🙂
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originally posted on 03-06-2013 9:08 PM
@_sagira_ I know what you mean. When writing something, most of the time people reading it won't know you personally and won't be able to use what you shared against you or judge you.
There is so much good and bad things happening, what can we do to protect ourselves from being victims?
I think one thing we can do to protect ourselves is learn to let things go. If you say something and there is a negative comment, it might be someone just trying to get attention by using something you've said. If it something continous, there are so many steps that can be taken. There are so many awareness campaigns against things like cyber-bullying that leave so many options for someone in that situation to take. Always stay calm and don't act rashly. Sometimes when people are hurt or angry at something someone has said, they might retailiate which will only make the situation worse. If you take steps to stop anything like that from happening in the future, such as blocking the person involved or informing someone, then it might make the situation better than if you reply to a negative post against you angrily and rashly.
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originally posted on 03-06-2013 9:12 PM
There is so much good and bad things happening, what can we do to protect ourselves from being victims?
I dont know if any of you watch Catfish but we should really get to know people face-to-face or use skype to chat just to make sure we are not being fooled. Don't give out too much information about yourself to people you dont know and keep in mind that you may not feel like you are being watched and monitored but YOU ARE so we need to watch what we say and do online because it can truly affect us in the long run.
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originally posted on 03-06-2013 9:16 PM
So being careful is great and it doesn't mean we can't enjoy social media so What can we do to enjoy benefits on social media as well as stay attached to the offline world?
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originally posted on 03-06-2013 9:23 PM
ruenhonx wrote:
So being careful is great and it doesn't mean we can't enjoy social media so What can we do to enjoy benefits on social media as well as stay attached to the offline world?
I think remembering the things that have been made possible by social media and makng the most of those"
1. news¤t affairs is a conversation now, not a broadcast. Get involved in the issues you care about
2. hold companies, media and government accountable for the things they do wrong - have constructive critique!
3. Keep in touch and make new friends with people it wasn't possible with before
4. Organise for your community and raise awareness about the issues you care about
Online Community Manager
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originally posted on 03-06-2013 9:04 PM
@sagira - thanks for getting back on that Q 🙂Email doesn't judge as you say it, which is a relief when saying it is already hard 🙂
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originally posted on 03-06-2013 9:03 PM
There is so much manipulation online, what can we do to protect ourselves from being victims?
Privacy settings! I honestly utilise these to full capacity, as I don't want some people I have become friends with of FB to know certain things about me.
A certain sense of anonymity on tumblr, blogger and twitter can help keep you unidentifable. Especially not linking accounts. Well this is what I have come to learn anyway, as people in the past have been able to suss me out fairly quickly and I didn't like that.
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originally posted on 03-06-2013 9:04 PM
Also I NEVER use the check-in feature. It bugs me when people input me into locations.- Mark as New
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originally posted on 03-06-2013 9:06 PM
Oh, I so agree sagira - strong privacy settings are so important! For many reasons (Though how annoying is it when someone yr secretly trying to find more out about has strong privacy settings!) 😉 Online Community Manager
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originally posted on 03-06-2013 9:09 PM
@Sophie-RO wrote:
Oh, I so agree sagira - strong privacy settings are so important! For many reasons (Though how annoying is it when someone yr secretly trying to find more out about has strong privacy settings!) 😉
LOL, definitely makes stalking hard. Especially if you are trying to stalk your crush....
But thank goodness for privacy settings.
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originally posted on 03-06-2013 9:17 PM
Heh, I just read through everyone's post and I agree with you all. Privacy settings are needed! Also, for teenagers, parents can go into your account and change things if they need to to make you safer.
Birdeye has an excellent point with self esteem and addiction. When people become addicted to things, it can be hard to stop. Possible, but hard. When people start to rely on things like facebook for their self esteem and, like Birdeye said, don't get as many likes on a picture as they'd hoped, loose self esteem. Or the 'bad' picture of you posted by a friend. And I think people do overexpose their bodies on facebook, it should be renamed body-book because you don't see much face. Which can lead to bullying or the wrong kind of encouragement.
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originally posted on 03-06-2013 9:20 PM
Thanks for picking out the main ideas N1ghtW1ng. It helped to refresh the ideas for me 🙂
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originally posted on 03-06-2013 9:25 PM
What can we do to enjoy benefits on social media as well as stay attached to the offline world?
I agree with Birdeye, using social media to arrange social events. I think that if we use social media to stay in contact with friends in other countries, to arrange get-togethers with friends and (I think) it can be used to stay aprised of what's happening around you. You can also limit yourself. If you enjoy social media, use it as a reward for homework or study. To stay connected to the outside world I think that people should call, using phones, friends and arrange get-togethers that way too. Especially if you have a friend out of internet range.
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originally posted on 03-06-2013 9:29 PM
yep, def agree with you there n1ghtw1ng! Online Community Manager