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December 31 - New Years Eve!

Tis the last day of the year! The calendar comes to an end and we bring in a new year.

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Whether you have elaborate plans to bring in the new year, such as attending a fabulous party with fireworks and lots of people...


or you're planning on chilling with friends

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However, you do it it's going to happen 😛


In true RO style, we've decided to have a GR Party on the night! 

So bring your snacks and treats and join us for a light-hearted fun chat 🙂

Join us Monday 31st at 7:30PM AEDT for a New Years Eve RO Party 😛


BeePosted 27-12-2018 10:48 PM
litgymPosted 31-12-2018 09:45 PM


nahhhh i dont watch the cricket but i do watch the australian open 🙂

N1ghtW1ngPosted 31-12-2018 10:01 PM
You have done amazing this year @litgym!! And you'll continue to do awesome next year 😄
unwindPosted 31-12-2018 08:24 PM

I don't watch cricket, mainly because my dad has always said watching the grass grow is more interesting than watching them play Smiley LOL


In the new year I've got my first appointment with a psychologist after not seeing one for about 2 years. I decided that I should check in because my anxiety has been a bit whack recently. I'm going to Tasmania as well though, I've never been there! Any opinions?

AschePosted 31-12-2018 08:30 PM

That's great to see you being proactive with your mental health @unwind! Unfortunately the last time I was in Tasmania was allll the way back in 2006, so my tips might be a little out of date xD , but from what I remember the food was absolutely stunning -everything was so incredibly fresh and tasty. We went fruitpicking on one of the days we were down there and absolutely gorged ourselves on cherries - so much so that we skipped lunch and went straight to dinner (still got no regrets about that).


unwindPosted 31-12-2018 08:32 PM
Ooooo that sounds awesome @Asche -- I think my dad mentioned something about picking berries or something, I'm def looking for forward to it 😄
N1ghtW1ngPosted 31-12-2018 08:26 PM
HAHAHA @unwind I agree with your dad! (in fact, I might just use that line with my bro-in-law the next time he brings up cricket :P)
Oooh Tasmania!!!! How exciting! I've never been either, but I hope you have fun! It's wonderful that you're going to see your psych again, even after so long, I hope it goes well for you!
annabethxchasePosted 31-12-2018 08:19 PM
Oh no it was cameron bancroft!
annabethxchasePosted 31-12-2018 08:19 PM
Do you watch the cricket in January? And if you don't, do you have any other plans for the new year?
Not really, I find it pretty boring actually - but there was the big ball tampering scandals with i think Steve bancroft and steve smith and david warner?
N1ghtW1ngPosted 31-12-2018 08:21 PM
Thanks @Bee 🙂

@annabethxchase I find cricket pretty boring too, it's impressive that you know their names though! 😛 I didn't 😄 😄 My brother in law though seems convinced he'll get me into cricket (He's dead wrong, but I love messing with him :P) Will you be doing anything else in the new year?
BeePosted 31-12-2018 08:11 PM

3. What is something you've achieved this year that you are proud of?

I've made some very important progress with my psychologist this year! The big one of being able to get through a session and engage without having sent an email beforehand. Sure sometimes I still write things down but I find it easier to show her now or to talk about things. This is a big thing for me because when I first started seeing her I would still end up in panic attacks from just being in the room. 

I feel like this gif sums up my reaction when I realised I got through the first session without having sent an email the night prior!

Also having flown to Sydney by myself twice this year! My most recent one being on crutches and in a moon boot! It was more daunting because there was everything else along with protecting my foot 🙂

BeePosted 31-12-2018 08:42 PM

oops I got distracted 😛


4. Do you watch the cricket in January? And if you don't, do you have any other plans for the new year?

Nope, dad does though (when he's home) so we usually know who's winning.


5. Something you're looking forward to about 2019?

Finishing my Cert 4 in Accounting, getting a job!

N1ghtW1ngPosted 31-12-2018 08:45 PM
Yay to finishing @Bee! You can do it! 😄 😄
BeePosted 31-12-2018 08:31 PM

5. Something you're looking forward to about 2019?

litgymPosted 31-12-2018 09:46 PM


i really look forward working more with my professionals because at this moment it’s something that is vital and will help in my best interest !

unwindPosted 31-12-2018 08:36 PM
New season of Homeland (anyone else?!?!?), but it's pretty bitter-sweet because it's the last season aha 😞 nevertheless, I can't wait the see how they play the remainder of the story out.
N1ghtW1ngPosted 31-12-2018 08:38 PM
@unwind I've never seen Homeland but you're all reminding me of shows that I love that are starting up again next year 😛 😛 I hope they do the rest of the story well!! 😄

Star Wars the Clone Wars and Young Justice are back next year!!!!!!!!!! 😄 😄 😄 (I'm so freaking excited!)
N1ghtW1ngPosted 31-12-2018 08:45 PM

Final question of the night!!! A little bit of New Years Resolutions 😛 


6. What is one (or two, no limit) thing you'd like to achieve by this time next year? 

litgymPosted 31-12-2018 09:48 PM


i would really like to see an improvement in my mental health even if it’s just the simple things that i find easier 😉

unwindPosted 31-12-2018 09:55 PM

An improvement in your mental health only comes in small steps, you should be really proud @litgym 🙂 as you progress you'll find the things that you consider now to be difficult becoming more simple, it just all takes time and hard work Heart

AschePosted 31-12-2018 08:58 PM

 6. What is one (or two, no limit) thing you'd like to achieve by this time next year? 


Keep breathing? Hahahah. But no, seriously I think I've made progress with keeping in touch with friends and learning to keep things in perspective this year, but there's definitely still room to improve. I'm still prone to tunnel-visioning - which can admittedly be helpful in moderation, but historically that's not something that I've been great at, and I need to be mindful to keep up the good habits I've developed this year so I don't end up backsliding.

N1ghtW1ngPosted 31-12-2018 09:01 PM
Keep breathing is a valid goal @Asche 😛 There's always room to improve, you'll do awesome this year 🙂
unwindPosted 31-12-2018 09:05 PM
This was a really cool chat — I’ve never done one of these. Is anyone in NSW watching the 9pm bridge fireworks on the TV? A bit of an unpopular opinion here.. but fireworks are only cool for like a few minutes, anyone else? 😂
AschePosted 31-12-2018 09:09 PM

Nope, totally agree. After the first couple of minutes the sky fulls with smoke and they just don't look as crisp anymore. My unpopular/popular opinion for the past couple years has been "I wish they'd go spend that money on the education/health system instead...". Especially since we get fireworks roughly once every week down at Darling Harbour in Sydney already.


I might just be jaded though, hahaha

litgymPosted 31-12-2018 10:07 PM

yes so true ! @Asche every Saturday night at darling harbour there is fireworks and I think they even do some in Redfern as well ive heard !

N1ghtW1ngPosted 31-12-2018 09:07 PM
@unwind nothing beats watching at least 20 different firework shows at once from your bedroom balcony 😉 (lived in the alps in Switzerland for a year :P)
They can be pretty though! I hope you have a fantastic new years! 😄 😄

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