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Hear, hear! We all have values, things we believe are most important like family, friendship, health, wisdom, creativity…and the list goes on! But ever thought about which ones were most significant to you?
It’s time to get your priorities straight!
- Take this values assessment and find out what your TOP 5 values are. Make sure to read the definitions on the right-hand side if you’re unsure of their meaning.
- Find some google images to represent each of your TOP 5 values. For example:
This is a major step towards getting to know your personal values and making better life choices!
Creativity (it was so hard to pick just one image! lol)
Wisdom (it was too hard to pick one, so I did 2 this time 😛 I hope thats ok)
Personal Accomplishment (again I chose two, but I want to explain these, so read below)
This one is where I'm at now, I'm getting there, I'm acknowledging that I'm closer to 'there' than what I was yesterday. The second one (below) is a direct link to the definition " To be involved in undertakings I believe personally are significant" I want to be able to be proud of myself without looking at others and wishing to be them! 🙂
This was quite a challenege to find hte fight images, also spent wayy more time on this than I wanted! haha Good procastination effort for me today, but Hey, on the flip side I'm feeling more focused, so I shall post this, get some assessment work done and come back to the forums later to post in the other threads I want to 🙂
hey @Bee
it might have taken you a while but you have done such an awesome job. i really like all your pictures and thing both of your personal accomplishment photos are completely relevant.
i thought the independence quote was really interesting. made my brain kick into gear a little which is refreshing 🙂
Yeah the independence one is good, there was a better one I have seen before, but couldn't locate it, so that was the next best! 🙂
@lokifish how good is A.A Milne? I love Winnie the pooh quotes! 🙂
Makes me all warm and fuzzy insides! 😄
Of course I had to use Winnie the Pooh quotes for mine! 😄
Did anyone find it super hard to settle on just five values? How did you come to pick the ones you did?
Thanks for another great challenge, team!
To start, I found a perfect quote that fits this challenge!
Yay Winnie the Pooh!
The hardest time I had was choosing my top five values. I can't order them, I find ones important and then others less important, no particular order. But I think these ones are in the top five.
Independence (I found two that are perfect for it)
(That is so me, except the Devil is everyone else :))
Expertness is to become known and respected authority in what you do. I have really struggled finding a picture for this one, I think the one above fits because it's knowing in your field of interest.
@N1ghtW1ng That quote you included at the beginning fits the challenge perfectly!
Mine are in no particular order, but I believe that these are my top 5 values. 🙂
Personal development
Personal Accomplishment
Love it @stonepixie ! And yeah, finding an order for all your main values is a challenge!
@Student94 Finding pictures to actually portray what i meant was hard but then also choosing was different ones i thought i would have had, had different meanings! 🙂
man @ohheylisa - i am lovvvving your pics.
lilo & stitch is the best, the webmd thing is hilarious... and... well actually. all of that is just amazing.
Personal Development
Personal accomplishment
That was actually way harder than i thought it was going to be
@iamthebatgirl excellent job! I particularly love how you portrayed personal accomplishment! In what ways did you find this challenge hard?