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Consistency Goals: Let's Share!

Hey Everyone! How are you doing? I’m finally back after a long break! 🎉


What are the things you’re trying to stay consistent with these days?

For me, it’s:

  1. Exercising daily with one rest day per week 🏋️‍
  2. Regularly consuming chia seeds in the morning 🌱

Looking forward to hearing your goals! Let’s inspire each other. 😊

InfinityPosted 17-01-2025 01:42 PM


happymunchkinPosted 22-01-2025 06:21 PM

Hi @Infinity!


Thanks for making this post, I've loved reading everyone's consistency goals because it's inspired me to try and be more consistent myself! ☺️


My current goals are to go to the gym at least 3 times a week, go to a dance class at least 2 times a month and to read a book for at least 15 minutes a day! 😄

Green_GhostPosted 20-01-2025 02:27 PM

My consistency goal is being kind to myself every single day 😇

InfinityPosted 22-01-2025 11:34 AM

Good one!!

GreenPineapplePosted 20-01-2025 11:53 AM

My consistensy goals at the moment include:


Try get my steps to 10,000 per day (whch is hard working an office job lol)

Drink 1500 ml of water per day 

Spend time in nature everyday and practice mindfullness 

InfinityPosted 22-01-2025 11:35 AM

@GreenPineapple Keep going, I was actually thinking if there is a way we can support one another with our goals to stay consistent. 

RaraPosted 20-01-2025 11:09 AM

Hi @Infinity


This is great, consistency is important to me so I can make sure I have balance in my life. 

Things I am trying to stay consistent with: 

- meditating 

- Putting myself first instead of constantly sacrificing for others

- Drinking more water

InfinityPosted 22-01-2025 11:36 AM

Hey @Rara

Nice to see you. Keep working on your goals. I might check in after a week or two.

SteadyStepsPosted 19-01-2025 09:26 AM

Hi @Infinity,


This is a super important post! 🙌


Here are some things I'm trying to stay consistent with:

1. Practicing self care

2. Taking regular breaks from work

3. Spending more time with my friends

InfinityPosted 22-01-2025 11:40 AM

Hey @SteadySteps

Keep me updated with your journey. I would love to know how being consistent is helping

MagsMaePosted 18-01-2025 04:36 PM

Welcome back!!


I love reading everyone else’s goals! Here are a few of mine for 2025:

  • Like many others, Daily exercise, even if it is just as simple as a walk. I am trying to get 10 000 steps in each day.
  • Going outside everyday to see some sun.
  • Reducing my screen time
  • Going to bed by 10pm
  • Doing some self care every day, something for me.


InfinityPosted 22-01-2025 11:41 AM

Wow @MagsMae that's so great. I loved it, these days I am doing little bit of self-care too

Calming_WavesPosted 18-01-2025 10:13 AM

My consistency goals are:


1. Read at least 2-3 books each month

2. Exercise daily (this one's particularly hard for me because I often don't have motivation to do so but this year I really want to keep it consistent!)



InfinityPosted 22-01-2025 11:44 AM

Hey @Calming_Waves , Wow I loved your name, it made me feel so good.

Let's support each other then, I am trying to become consistent too.

I do Chloe Ting's Workout with her app called Core ,and  joined a team too that is helping me not lose motivation. 

Keep going, I believe consistenty has a magic effect on us

Calming_WavesPosted 22-01-2025 04:22 PM

Hi @Infinity, I'm glad you like my name! The sound of waves calm me down, so I want to be the same for other people 😊


I'm doing treadmill for now to start with because I find that walking is the exercise I can tolerate the most 😆 Once I get myself used to it, I'll definitely check out different work outs!


I'm happy to hear that joining a team is helping you not lose motivation. Keep it up! We're doing great 💙

Olive_PenguinPosted 17-01-2025 10:57 PM

My goals recently have been:

1. go outside for at least 20 minutes every day

2. do 15 minutes of stretches in the morning

3. try and switch out ebooks for physical copies to help reduce my awful screentime

Cant wait to see everyone's goals for inspiration! 🙂

InfinityPosted 22-01-2025 11:45 AM

Hey @Olive_Penguin

That looks like some really good goals I can start with too.

As you have it in smaller chunks (10-15 mins) it's more easy to be consistent in, right?

Olive_PenguinPosted 23-01-2025 01:45 PM

Definitely! I've found in the past if I set too large/long of a goal, I would continuously put off doing it and end up giving up entirely. This way I am able to stay consistent on bad days and do longer on others!

PSYC_G4LPosted 17-01-2025 09:18 PM

I love this! 

My consistency goals are: 

1. Focus on my budget and don’t stray too much from it (save)

2. Excercise regularly

3. Study “harder”/graduate uni!


InfinityPosted 22-01-2025 11:47 AM


We share similar goals  haha, let's support each other

I am also going to graduate this year

PSYC_G4LPosted 22-01-2025 11:53 AM

So exciting!!! I can’t wait to come back to this at the end of the year and see how we all went!!

Appel_banappelPosted 17-01-2025 07:27 PM

Good one @Infinity


Currently, my goals are to drink 8 cups of water a day, exercise daily (even if it's just a walk), get at least 8 hours of sleep and get a better habit of flossing daily. 


They're going alright but with any kind of consistency I always need to remind myself that missing a day or two isn't failing, and that steady steps with wobbles here is a normal path to building a consistent routine.

InfinityPosted 17-01-2025 08:29 PM

Good job @Appel_banappel Keep going

Welcome back!

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