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I'm not ashamed to be me!

I love this recent pic I found on Facebook... It describes how I would like to connect with people, getting to know them, making true, meaningful friendships and relationships. That's one of my personal goals this year. I made several new friends overseas recently, and want to deepen my friendships here.

I see my life's calling and preferred vocation as one where i can facilitate connection between people or communities! I hope that diesn't sound too ambitious! But i will have to do using my own strengths and I do know I need support and learning from others in my circle. I'm always open to more and new ideas, so will be applying for several opportunites while i finish my uni studies part time.
evanescencePosted 01-09-2015 07:31 PM


moonwalkPosted 02-09-2015 10:40 PM

Hey @evanescence, I really enjoyed reading your post! It's awesome to see that you have so much ambition and have set some amazing goals for yourself! Also, acknowledging the importance of getting support and being open to new ideas is such a great frame of mind to be in. A lot of people aren't able to easily accept the help of others, and it can really limit what they're able to acheive.


Best of luck with everything you're setting out to do! Smiley Happy



Mermaidgirl6Posted 07-09-2015 05:21 AM

These sound like really kind words of support. Do stick to your goals and dreams, and wish you here all the best!

keep the music alive! Xo

Mermaidgirl6Posted 08-09-2015 10:24 AM

Thanks @moonwalk You give some really valuable support and perspectives to forum members!

lokifishPosted 01-09-2015 08:28 PM

Hey @evanescence,


Sounds like you've got some awesome goals! There's nothing wrong with being ambitious - I think it's important to have dreams so you've always got a reason to wake up in the morning. Is there anything that you find helps keep your motivation up when you're feeling doubtful?


You're right that social support is essential for reaching your goals. You might like this story which talks about the importance of connecting with others - it ties in nicely with what you're saying. I find the community here on the forums is pretty great at fostering connection too 🙂


Good on you for taking opportunities which will take you further towards your dreams!


P.S. Love the pic. I'm a huge TBBT fan 😛

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