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xXLexi_Lou122XxPosted 20-05-2020 04:07 PM
Hey @Ani_Faeth!
I'm going good, but I'm a bit sick of being at home with all my younger siblings....

And I'm ready to go back to some Face-to-face learning, too. I may be an introvert, but even introverts need some people time! 😛

How are you? Heart
Ani_FaethPosted 20-05-2020 04:11 PM
Oh my goodness me too! I'm sick of online learning! Yea I'm an introvert as well, but I didn't realize how much I needed people until they were gone!! Yea I'm fine! Just designing a costume!
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xXLexi_Lou122XxPosted 28-05-2020 06:25 PM
@Anonymous its okay, I’m getting it sorted out. I’ll post an update on my thread soon. Sorry I haven’t responded to yours yet, I will when I get something irl sorted out. School is just a bit annoying, with all the catch up I have to do, on top of threats of getting detention.

Hi @Ani_Faeth! I’m doing okay, but I could be better. How are you? 🙂
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Bre-ROPosted 04-05-2020 01:12 PM

Hey @jasmine12345678 it's nice to see you on the forum 🙂 I'm sorry to hear that you've been feeling depressed and distant with your faith. I think that's a normal thing to go through from time to time. Also, it's not nice to hear that you felt left out of your youth group, but know that you are so welcome here. 


You mentioned feeling that sometimes you think life would be better if you were not here. I just wanted to check in with you about that comment. It must be really painful to feel that way and I'm glad you opened up and told us that's how you've been feeling. Is it something you've spoken to anyone else about? 

xXLexi_Lou122XxPosted 03-05-2020 09:56 PM
Hey @jasmine12345678!
It has been a while, hasn’t it? 🙂

I’m so glad that you have grown in your faith! May I ask what kind of Christian you are? I’m a Baptist, but I don’t go against the other religions!

Though your youth group does not sound like a very good one... I’m sorry that you had to go through that, I kind of went through the same thing with the first youth group I went to. But I’m at my home church’s youth group, so I’m much happier now.

Is it the leaders, or the other kids there that are rude? If it’s the leaders, I’d be disappointed and report them. Then leave for a different one. But that’s just me, so I don’t know about you.

Bullying sucks... I’ve dealt with enough of it, but now I suffer from self-bullying.. If you know what I mean. Depression and stuff just ruins everything..

Happy Birthday for today! You’re 15 now, right? From what I remember from other forum discussions.. 🙂

I also feel pretty distant from Him too, but its normal. I like you, and so does the rest of the community! :)❤️
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