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In's and Out's for 2025!

Hey Everyone!


I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas celebrating with family and friends! I know it’s not the easiest time of the year, so hope you found some time for yourself over the past few days.


Given it’s almost the new year, I thought it would be an awesome time to talk about our wellness in’s and out’s for 2025! (I saw it on TikTok and loved the idea!)


Here are mine:



  • Getting outside in nature more
  • Less screen time & social media
  • Early bedtimes
  • Breathwork & meditation
  • Reading more books
  • Manifesting
  • Journaling
  • Saving money



  • Comparing myself to others
  • Worrying about things I can’t control
  • Negative self talk
  • Hustle / overachieving culture
  • Doomscrolling


Would love to hear yours 💛

MagsMaePosted 28-12-2024 05:30 PM


starhlightsPosted 19-01-2025 09:43 PM

This is such a great thread! I loved reading through everyone's ins and outs for 2025. 


For me, my ins this year are definitely: 

  • Taking time with my self-care
  • Eating more mindfully 
  • Exercising more
  • Spending more time with friends
  • Investing in experiences
  • Travelling more 
  • Reading more books
    Writing more books, creating more artworks etc.
  • Stand up for myself more
  • Doing more random acts of kindness


  • Comparing myself to others (seems like we all want to do less of this!)
  • Worrying too much about things out of my control
  • Overcommitting myself just to please others
  • Holding onto guilt over things I can't change
  • Doubting my own progress instead of celebrating small wins



SteadyStepsPosted 19-01-2025 09:56 AM

Hi @MagsMae,


This is such a great post!


My ins:

- More consistent bedtime routine

- Practice self care more regularly

- Take more consistent breaks from work

- Spend more time with friends

- Be kinder to myself


My outs:

- Comparing myself to others

- Ruminating on a consistent basis

- Doubting my ability to succeed

- Being so rigid with my routine

- Not taking the time to acknowledge small wins

Blue_DolphinPosted 01-01-2025 04:38 PM

This is a great idea @MagsMae!



  • Reading more
  • Improving my confidence
  • Doing more things that I enjoy (puzzles, listening to music)
  • Making more friends
  • Picking up some creative hobbies




  • Self-criticism
  • Excessive screen time
  • Not practising acceptance 
  • Rumination
  • Comparing myself to others 




MagsMaePosted 12-01-2025 08:02 AM

These are all awesome @Blue_Dolphin , thanks so much for sharing!!

KaizerBikerPosted 31-12-2024 03:14 PM

Hello @MagsMae ,


Such a great idea! 


  • Doing a bit more reading as well ( which are not just research articles for Assignments lol)
  • Sleeping earlier as well
  • Sefl-Care
  • Being more active ( running more or taking up a sport)
  • Sticking to goals and plans ( kept diverging this year 😂)
  • Saving money (so true)
  • Being more Assertive 


  • Unnecessary conflicts
  • Negative self-talk ( thanks whoever mentioned it first, @LilacLeopard14  I think 🙌)
  •  Self-Doubt
  • Comparing myself to others as well
  • Being envious of others
  • Bottling up emotions 
  • Being afraid to ask for help 
MagsMaePosted 12-01-2025 08:04 AM

These are all amazing idea!!! Thanks so sharing some inspiration @KaizerBiker💛

RaraPosted 30-12-2024 12:17 PM

This is amazing @MagsMae


- Spending more time with friends 

- Growing as a person and recognising my need for changes in my life 

- Moving my body 

- Reading and finding people who love reading just as much as I do 



- Sacrificing myself at the expense of others (Choosing things that will only benefit me)

- Overplanning, taking things in small steps with flexibility

- negative self-talk

- Overthinking and worry about things beyond my control


MagsMaePosted 31-12-2024 09:50 AM

Thanks so much for sharing @Rara ,


I loved reading your in's and out's! I loved your one about the importance of self growth and change, I'll me adding it to mine!

Green_GhostPosted 30-12-2024 11:57 AM

I love this @MagsMae



- Sitting outside more.

- Not being afraid to spend money on myself for things I want.

- More mindfulness.



- Negative self talk.

- Taking on too much all at once.

- Guilt about taking a break (trying to not always have something to get done).

MagsMaePosted 31-12-2024 09:52 AM

I love these! @Green_Ghost


I definitely need to sit outside more! I am thinking of setting a table in the shade outside where I can start doing my uni work. Also love your one about feeling guity about taking breaks. I often feel guilty for letting my self relax and being unproductive, hoping to change this. Thanks for your inpso! 

Green_GhostPosted 01-01-2025 01:41 PM

Hi @MagsMae


I bought a day bed for the specific purpose of sitting outside to do work and have only used it maybe 5 times (although to be fair its way too hot to be sitting outside in this summer heat) so I hope I can get back to using it once the weather cools down 😇 sitting outside is pretty relaxing. I hope you can get your table in the shade 💜


I'm so glad you're inspired to feel less guilty about taking breaks. I had a whole heap of stuff to get done today and have decided to move it to other days because frankly I'm tired after the new year celebrations last night. I'm actively trying not to feel guilty about it right now, so I suppose I've already set this new years resolution into motion 🙂

Matcha_ToadPosted 30-12-2024 10:13 AM

Hi @MagsMae


I absolutely love this! For mine, I am going to do three things that are In and three things that are Out.


My Ins:

- going to the gym with my partner

- advocating for myself (especially in regard to my health and medical professionals)

- continuing therapy 


My Outs:

- being too harsh on myself

- not listening to my body (thanks @LilacLeopard14 )

- allowing my anxiety to control/stop me from doing things I really want to do


- Matcha_Toad 🐸🍵💚



MagsMaePosted 31-12-2024 09:56 AM

Thanks so much for sharing! @Matcha_Toad


I love all of these, especially stopping being to harsh on yourself. Its so important to treat yourself with kindness 💛

youarenotbehindPosted 29-12-2024 08:42 PM

This is so good @MagsMae!!


My ins:

* Learning to feel comfortable alone 

* Yes sleeping 8 hours a night 😫

* Self love 

* Being patient with loved ones 


My outs:

* Comparison as well!

* Laziness around Uni work...

* Being afraid to try new things

* Judging people who are different to me 

MagsMaePosted 31-12-2024 09:58 AM

These are all amazing! @youarenotbehind


I love your idea of feeling comforable alone! I also need to try and stop judging people who are different, we are all unique and that should be embraced 💛

Scarlet_LocustPosted 29-12-2024 02:55 PM

Such a great idea @MagsMae !! I've been meaning to properly do this for at least two years and never have lol 😂. I totally agree with all of yours!


Here are some of mine!



  • celebrating small wins/achievements! 
  • taking sick days from work and uni (i'm chronically ill and tend to push through the pain instead of giving myself the healing space I need which almost never works out well long term 😬)
  • little gestures of kindness for my loved ones (this always makes me feel good inside)
  • walking my dogs
  • reading more books (and connecting with my inner child at the same time!)



  • doomscrolling
  • oversleeping - thanks @LilacLeopard14 ! (this always gives me a headache lol) 
  • ruminating on past conversations
  • feeling guilty for taking time to rest
    • using rest time to doomscroll on tiktok


As i've made this list i'm noticing how easily many of these could be phrase as either and in or an out, which is interesting too!! Am loving seeing everyone elses lists 😀

MagsMaePosted 31-12-2024 10:01 AM

These are all awesome!! @Scarlet_Locust


I also think its super important to celebrate the small steps and achievements. Life is a marathon, not a sprint! I also need to stop ruminating on past convos, I struggle with overthinking and trying to change the past. Thanks so much for sharing, I'll be adding these to mine!

PotatoLeafPosted 28-12-2024 10:12 PM

thanks for sharing the ideas y'all 🐹



  • definitely saving money (thanks Mags)
  • more exercise
  • hydration and staying well-rested
  • easy, healthy meals
  • i tried a face mask for the first time a few days ago and it was heavenly, will be using more of those



  • unecessarily late nights
  • like Lilac ~ I want to overthink less ~ I want to focus what's important for me rather than stress the details 
MagsMaePosted 31-12-2024 10:02 AM

Thanks so much for sharing @PotatoLeaf ! These are all amazing ideas, I love the focus on health 💛

LilacLeopard14Posted 28-12-2024 08:25 PM

ohhh I love this! I completely agree with all of yours ☺️


My other ones would be:



• Moving my body through different ways 

• Positive self talk and affirmations 

• Mindfulness/relaxation activities (e.g colouring, baking, gardening) 

• Setting boundaries (and feeling comfortable sticking to them)



• Oversleeping

• Not listening to my body

• Excessive worry/overthinking 

• Forgetting sunscreen (random but really bad habit I need to stop)


This was actually really helpful in visualising and setting goals for my 2025, so thankyou @MagsMae ❤️❤️




MagsMaePosted 31-12-2024 09:55 AM

Thanks for sharing! @LilacLeopard14


I love the idea of positive self talk and affirmations, I will definitely add this to mine! Listing to your body is also somethig I need to start doing more. Thanks for the 2025 inspiration 💛

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