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This is my first post , Hello everyone

Im mainly here because idk how to make friends, like I have friends but they're just school friends yk. Im super sociable (when I wanna be) and I think I'm pretty dope, humble, cool, funny, and awesome oh and did I say humble. Enough about that I'm just genuinely curious how to make friends, do I just walk up to someone and say, 'Omg your my friend now, we're having soft tacos later' I get seasick at the thought of correcting my order at a cafe. Do I join a discord sever that no one talks in? Or get on.. Reddit . Im aware that I write like a person that has red string and a canvas board but is this just me , is it hard to make friends.


(Please cut me some slack its 2 in the morning when I wrote this)

KoolCatigPosted 21-01-2025 02:50 AM


SteadyStepsPosted 23-01-2025 04:20 PM

Hi @KoolCatig,


Thanks for posting on the ReachOut forum. It is so lovely to have you here. 


I relate in that I find it tricky to make friends as well. Especially at school as I found that many friendships were limited to the classroom. 


What a lot of people mentioned (which I agree with) is that joining clubs you're interested in might be a good move. That way it's a lot easier to strike up a conversation with them. This can either be at school or in your local community (like a sports club). I would do a bit of a web search to see if you can find anything in your local area. 


Also, a super helpful tip is to just be yourself! A true friend is someone who respects you for all that you are. It's also important to remember that it takes time to build genuine connections and building a strong friendship is something that cannot be rushed.


All in all, from the attributes you listed about yourself, you sound like such an awesome person that so many people would be lucky to be friends with. I'm sending you my best and hope you find some close friendships in the coming year. 💛

laubn22Posted 21-01-2025 11:07 PM

Hi @KoolCatig 
Welcome to the Reach Out Forum, It’s lovely to have you here.


I love the use of humble twice, and you seem like such a fun and incredible person to be around.


Making friends can be tough, and I definitely understand what you mean by just having “school friends”, I experienced the same.


Joining a club, whether it be a sporting team or a uni/school club, can help you see people consistently - which really helps with friendships as you have something in common and see them often.


I would say also trying to be as friendly as you can, introduce yourself and ask them questions to get to know them. Also making an effort to keep in touch and check in can help strengthen friendships.


Wishing you all the best, and I have every confidence that you’ll find your people 🙂 


KoolCatigPosted 21-01-2025 01:48 PM

I forgot that i wrote this last night but I stand by my points

QuietFocus211Posted 21-01-2025 12:31 PM

Hey @KoolCatig!


First off, I love how you described yourself – your humour and humility (totally got that twice!) really shine through! Honestly, making friends can feel tricky, especially outside of school or structured settings. It’s totally normal to feel a bit lost with it.


If you’re super sociable when you want to be, that's a great start! Sometimes, making friends is less about walking up to someone and declaring friendship (though I love the soft tacos line!) and more about putting yourself in spaces where people share your interests.


Whether it’s joining a new club, taking a class, or even diving into a more active Discord server, finding common ground can make things feel more natural.

You’re not alone in finding it hard to make friends. It’s something a lot of people struggle with, a lot more than you’d think. Just take small steps, be yourself, and remember that building connections takes time. And hey, maybe start with saying hi to someone new and seeing where it goes from there!


You’ve got this! 😎

sunnygirl606Posted 21-01-2025 12:19 PM

Hi @KoolCatig welcome to the forums!


Thanks for sharing your thoughts and feelings of wanting to make friends! It can be difficult but the best advice i have (and i know it is cheesy) but is to be yourself! Talk to people you are interested in getting to know and just let the friendship come naturally. We can't force people to be our friends so we just have to let them develop over time.


Like what @Peony said, finding clubs in your local community is a great way to meet new people and develop friendships! Online is good as well but it always good to be cautious with talking to strangers online.


Best of luck 🌻

PeonyPosted 21-01-2025 10:42 AM

Hey @KoolCatig


Welcome! I totally understand what you mean, it was hard for me to make friends when I was at school. If you enjoy spending time with these school friends, I recommend reaching out and asking them if they'd like to hang out outside of school. I know that can sound scary, but I did that and ended up turning my school friends into good friends! There's a great post pinned in the feed called Making Friends at School.


Have a search online and find clubs in your area suited to your interests, such as art or sports. You'll already have an interest in common, so it's easier to get to know them. There are also youth hubs/services that run activities. Your school might even have some extra curricular activities you can join. 


Best of luck 🙂 

starhlightsPosted 21-01-2025 12:35 PM

Welcome @KoolCatig!


It’s so nice to have you here.


Making friends can be tough, but it’s great that you have such a positive outlook on yourself! Being sure of who you are is key—it not only helps you feel more confident, but it also attracts people who see how wonderful you truly are. As others have mentioned, building friendships takes time, so don’t be too hard on yourself if it doesn’t happen right away.


Joining school clubs or sports teams, as others suggested, is a great way to meet like-minded people. What are your hobbies? Are there any clubs or activities you could get involved in? Personally, I found making friends through academic opportunities like debate clubs really rewarding. Hope this helps!

Appel_banappelPosted 21-01-2025 09:52 AM

Hi @KoolCatig !! Welcome to the community, it's great to have you here.


It sounds like you're wanting to make more friends and that's great you've taken steps to join more communities to find some. Here's a short article on how to make friends and I think the biggest thing you can do is join an activity or group where you see people regularly, like a sports club, online group or hobby club. Once you start seeing people regularly, you can have light conversation and slowly build a relationship, and once you've gotten to know someone well in that group you can ask if they want to do something outside of that group like go to lunch or go to the beach or just have your phone number to text. That's my general process of making friends, but it's definitely easier said than done.


That's also great that you've got friends at school and I would make sure you don't forget you can deepen those relationships too and try to extend that friendship outside of just school if there's anyone you especially like. 


I think a big aspect of friendship, at least for me, is to build trust with someone else and know lots of parts about eachother's lives. It takes a lot of time and effort to build trust between people so don't feel like you need to make super close friends immediately. And making friends can be really hard so try not to put pressure on yourself if things aren't working out, because you're doing great by putting in the effort to make more friends and putting yourself out there.


Good luck on the friend hunt, and you can make friends here as well - we're a pretty nice bunch 🙂

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