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What are some of your favorite plushies/figurines that make you happy?

My plushie collection has grew again recently! (It'll probably keep going because I realllllllyyyy like plushies.) 😍


Anyways, I thought it'd be nice for us to share some of our favorite plushies or figurines, especially those that really make you smile when you see them!


I'll start:


hamster 😍



baby luffy (one piece!)





What are some of your favorite plushies or figurines that make you smile???? 👀😀

GreenfernPosted 25-07-2023 09:19 PM


Lilac_ElkPosted 07-08-2023 12:01 AM

Hi @Greenfern,

Thank you for making this post, this is so wholesome 😭😭. Your plushies are so cute!! I have two capybaras and the little chicken from Molang.



GreenfernPosted 07-08-2023 09:07 PM

They're so cute!


I watched an episode of Molang :)) it feels very innocent.

BlueberriesPosted 04-08-2023 07:42 AM

Mine would be the Sanrio (cinnamorroll and mymelody) plushies that are sitting on my bed right now, plus the Kuromi plushie keychain that I've bought just really recently 🙂


I can’t be bothered to take pics of them right now cause I’m lazy haha

OnionPosted 31-07-2023 02:55 PM

OMG everyone's plushie collections are so cute!!


My personal favourite from my collection is Djungelskog from IKEA.























I also collect Nendoroids (small anime figurines) and my most recent addition was Geralt from Witcher 3 (Ronin version).






GreenfernPosted 31-07-2023 08:27 PM



Djungelskog looks sooo huggable! I have the IKEA dog hehe


That Geralt figurine looks pretty well made! I was thinking of getting a Nendoroid of Ash Lynx from Banana Fish but haven't seen that in stores. 

OnionPosted 04-08-2023 10:02 PM

Hehehe yep! Djungelskog is SUPER huggable!! 😁 


Also I heard that Banana Fish is really good! I might start reading it!

GreenfernPosted 04-08-2023 10:15 PM

Definitely recommend it!

Lapis_AnteaterPosted 31-07-2023 12:09 PM


First off, your togepi is adorable! 


I keep buying Pokémon plushies off of Salvos, so I have way too many. Here’s some of the collection:IMG_20220809_213353848_HDR (1).jpg

GreenfernPosted 31-07-2023 08:24 PM



Woww you have so many of the starters! Which pokemon games have you played btw? Just curious.

Lapis_AnteaterPosted 31-07-2023 08:37 PM



Can't remember which version of each game but I've played gen 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 as well as Arceus (and some of the remakes). Which ones have you played? Do you have a favourite?

GreenfernPosted 31-07-2023 08:52 PM


Oh wow you've played a lot of the pokemon games as well!


I've played gen 4-7 and only a little bit of gen 8 and 9. Didn't play Arceus, but played Alphasapphire (Hoenn remake) and Soulsilver & Heartgold (Johto remake?)


My first game was gen 4, and I think that's still my favorite. My second favorite is a close tie between Pokemon Y and Alphasapphire. 


What's your favorite? Also, have you tried playing online against other players?

Lapis_AnteaterPosted 01-08-2023 10:53 AM


Oh nice! Always good to meet another Pokémon nerd 😁.


Gen 4 was also my first and favourite 😊. Who's your go to gen 4 starter? I also really like Arceus and Scarlet/Violet because of the more open world style. I remember enjoying X/Y too.


I haven’t tried playing against others. Have you? Is it enjoyable?

GreenfernPosted 04-08-2023 10:20 PM

I kind of did a few runs of Gen4 so have picked every starter 😂. The first one I picked was turtwig though because I found the turtle really cute; however, infernape is definitely my favorite final evolution out of the starters.


Yes, I first tried using bottle spot for AlphaSapphire. It was really fun playing double battles at the time with a primal kyogre and mega rayquaza in the team (that was when the competition rules allowed two legendaries). 

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