Hey guys! Let's make some space to show support to the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community with messages of support!!
Hey guys! Let's make some space to show support to the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community with messages of support!!
Hello everyone! I've been playing Valorant lately and was curious as to what characters people mained in Valorant or other games.
Personally for me, I love playing Raze because every one of her abilities does damage which means that I can push the opponents back and weaken them (this is super useful... read more
Hello everyone!
I've been revisiting some of my favourite childhood TV shows and have been feeling the high of nostalgia 😆. What did you guys love watching when you were younger?
For me I loved:
- The Adventures of Bottletop Bill and his best friend Corky
- Charlie and Lola
- Arthur
- Sally Bollywood
-... read more
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