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What has everyone been up to?
Hi everyone!
I hope you all are having a good week so far and looking after yourselves ❤️
I just thought I’d like to check on how you all have been doing and what you all have been up to within these past few days? 😊
I’ll start off with myself. So yesterday, I went to a nail salon to get acrylics done for the first time ever! 💅 I also called to book an appointment to see a psychiatrist for the first time ever. Had my first session with a speech therapist 3 days ago and will be doing an assessment with her next week. Have booked an appointment for an initial consultation with an occupational therapist next week.
Hi @Blueberries ! I know that this post was made last week but thank you for checking in! It must have been really exciting getting your nails done! What design did you end up getting?
Also thank you for sharing about your proactive journey to applying for DPS and NDIS! I hope everything goes as smoothly as possible for you!! 🍀🍀
I had a bushwalk today with my best friend and then did some more light exercise after coming home. My body always feel so light and flexible after exercising and a warm shower afterwards is the best combination!
Hi @Blueberries
Thank you for checking in! It sounds like you were busy last week. It's also great to hear you're reaching out for support and achieving some firsts! How are you feeling after all of this? I'd love to know.
I've had acrylics on and off since I was about 13 years old and although they look amazing, they've ruined my natural nails over time. However, don't let that deter you as it doesn't happen to everyone AND only really happens after YEARS of continuous use. The hardest part about acrylics is having to re-adjust to doing things like texting and scrolling, and grabbing coins off the floor LOL.
Hi @Love_and_Light
thanks for asking! 🙂 I'm not sure how to feel about all of this to be honest. But the reason why I wanted to make these appointments is mainly because I wanted to apply for DSP and NDIS so I would have to see all kinds of professionals to get a diagnosis and reports from, therefore getting the proper medical evidence that these applications require. It's gonna take a while in order for me to be able to collect and gather all of these evidences considering that this I've just started seeing all these professionals recently instead of in the past. Otherwise, if I considered getting GP referrals and booking appointments with them in the past then things would've been better for me that way, but oh well. 😔😕
Honestly, spending days looking up stuff that's NDIS and DSP related as well as asking questions/looking for answers from other members in relevant Facebook groups - it's been a lot lol and also kinda annoying how I have to see different health professionals for the first time especially/starting from square one, meaning that I'll sadly have to keep doing job searches within the next couple of months or so whilst still being under jobseeking payments 😞
So sorry for the long response but I just thought I can reveal as to why I have to book all these appointments with different professionals haha 😛
That's fair enough about the acrylics. I actually wanted to get them because I found out that acrylics can actually do your skin justice when it comes to scratching when you're dealing with a skin condition - and that's basically what I'm dealing with now, and having acrylics really saved that for me because your skin doesn't break when you scratch the areas with your acrylics compared to when you scratch them with your natural nails. My skin is currently on the healing process which is great as I've been using non steroid products since the start of this month (and still going). Hopefully the problematic areas can completely disappear before summer comes though, fingers crossed. 🙏🏼🥲🤞
Thank you for sharing the reasons why you're seeing various professionals. I understand completely, and there are also lots of things happening at once so it can bring on many emotions and thoughts. The process for NDIS and DSP is lengthy and as you said, requires lots of evidence to support your case. It can definitely get frustrating and overwhelming as you mentioned.
The skin justice with acrylics is a fact! I have eczema that flares up on my legs and it would be a scratch-and-bleed situation with my natural nails, but with acrylics, as you said, they don't break the skin. It's great to hear that you're skin is healing though. I hope the products help the healing process and clear before summer! Crossing my fingers for you 🤞
Thank you ❤️❤️
How are your legs doing now if you don't mind me asking? 🙂
Not a problem! 🤗
My legs are okay, I try and moisturise them but I hate the feeling of creams on my hands lol...so I don't do it as often as I should. Generally, antihistamines help somehow reduce the itch, but on days that I forget to take them, my legs get annihilated. At the moment they're a bit scabby due to recent scratching but they're on the road to healing. I try my best to avoid scratching but damn does it feel good to itch them hahaha.
Hi @Blueberries
You've definitely been up to a lot, it's great to see you are seeking help and a lot of firsts for you. I hope all this goes amazing for you and you enjoy your acrylic nails, I'll admit I like having them done and for about the first week but then I feel like I can't use my fingers after that ahah.
I've been busy with uni work and work in general. I am catching up with a friend tomorrow for lunch. I have also been busy organising my birthday and what I want to do with the people around me. I have decided High tea is a good option for my friends and I.
Hi @Rara
Honestly I'm feeling pretty nervous about seeing a psychiatrist next week, but I do hope that he'll treat me well during our first session. 🙂
I'm hesitant or against on taking medication though and I have worries about it - gaining weight being the main side effect of it is the number one thing I'm scared of. But I do hope that if I tell him why I'm scared to take medication, hopefully he can understand it.
Actually, the main reason why I wanted to seek a psychiatrist though is because I wanna seek a formal diagnosis and get a report from him that covers my diagnosis and stuff like that pretty much. And also if I have to have ongoing sessions with him, hopefully he'd be able to provide a letter and a report for me that I can use to apply for DSP and NDIS later on then (meaning that I might have to apply for those next year but we'll see).
Hi @Blueberries
Feeling nervous is totally normal, you don't know what to expect. If you haven't already there's a thread about seeking professional help and people experiences, it might help you understand what to expect a little bit. I found that taking the entire day off or not doing activities that are overly draining help me.
Be honest and let them know how you're feeling and what you're worried about like the medication and that, they are there to help and support you, they can help find outcomes and alternatives to your needs. Let us know how you go!!
Hi @Blueberries , thank you for this post!
It sounds like you have a lot on your to-do-list!
I've been pretty stressed out about a lot of things on my end - preparing for various applications, plans and so on for next year. Good to stay busy though so I'm trying to keep my head up.
Hope your weekend has been well!
Hi @DDandy
I hope it all goes well for you even though that seems like a lot to deal with. I'm also dealing with quite a lot of things on my end too so I get you ❤️ but we can get through this together 💪🏼
Thank you, I hope your weekend has been well too! To be honest though, my weekend hasn't been great but oh well, it is what it is 🥲
Thanks for the check in ☺️
It sounds like a pretty busy couple of weeks! It can be a bit nerve wracking seeing new types of professionals for the first time but good on you for taking the initiative to make those appointments and take care of yourself 💙 I've never gotten my nails done before (or acrylics)! What was it like?? And what did you go for?
My family and I moved houses a couple of days ago so just been unpacking. In a few days I'll probably explore the area. I also impulsively (no regrets) bought concert tickets for October which im very excited for because I've never been to a concert before! 🥹
Hi @sunset_hues
Yeah. The reason why I wanted to make these appointments is mainly because I wanted to apply for DSP and NDIS so I would have to see all kinds of professionals to get a diagnosis and reports from, therefore getting the proper medical evidence that these applications require. It's gonna take a while in order for me to be able to collect and gather all of these evidences considering that this I've just started seeing all these professionals recently instead of in the past. Otherwise, if I considered getting GP referrals and booking appointments with them in the past then things would've been better for me that way, but oh well. 😔😕
Honestly, spending days looking up stuff that's NDIS and DSP related as well as asking questions/looking for answers from other members in relevant Facebook groups - it's been a lot lol and also kinda annoying how I have to see different health professionals for the first time especially/starting from square one, meaning that I'll sadly have to keep doing job searches within the next couple of months or so whilst still being under jobseeking payments 😞
Ahh in terms of the experience of getting acrylics, the whole process took an hour to complete. A nice atmosphere. Requested the nail technician to make the acrylic nails shorter (the original acrylics are really long) and she did. Overall, the experience was nice. I ended up getting the clear/natural version (without any coloured nail polish on it) and the nail technician that did my nails did them so beautifully and I love how they look! 😄
that must have been a good experience in terms of moving houses. I hope you enjoy your new house and the new area that you're living in now!
Going to a concert sounds fun! I hope you'll enjoy that as well, especially with that being your first time going there. I personally have never been to concerts myself before but at the same time I'm not that interested in them. If you don't mind me asking, what musician/band is it? You don't have to tell me if you don't want to 🙂
Hi @Blueberries
I hear ya, all the time and effort of going through first appointments, collecting/organising the documentation and scouring the net for info can be a lot to stay on top of as well as just plain exhausting 😖 I hope you are carving some time out in the midst of all this chaos to just decompress 💙
It's also totally normal to feel anxious about seeing a psychiatrist for the first time, and your worries about medication side effects are valid. You always have the choice of deciding what you want to do. You deserve to feel your best so if you are not happy with something, don't be afraid to voice your concerns! A good psychiatrist should be more than happy for input as it'll only help in figuring out the treatment that suits you.
That sounds like a very relaxing experience :') I'm so happy to hear you're loving the way it looks too, they sound very elegant. I alway find nice nails such a small but underrated detail that makes somone look so put together.
Thank you, it's been great and I'm sure I will!:) It's for RADWIMPS, which is the Japanese band that did the soundtrack for one of my favourite movies - Your Name. The atmosphere's going to be amazing!