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fictional band names

i do this with my friends all the time come up with fictional band names


the golden oaks

partical effects


feel free to add

switchPosted 11-10-2012 01:01 AM


NigioCPosted 12-06-2013 09:05 PM



haha, Cradle of Filth is an actual band. 



NigioCPosted 23-05-2013 08:54 PM

whenever I'm describing an old school 50's style band and I can't remember their real name I always call them 'Dr Ventolin and the Inhalers'.

And then I laugh.


N1ghtW1ngPosted 24-05-2013 07:47 AM

These are all good names but some really amusing names that bands should call themselves are;


Wind (Hey, I was passing Wind the other day...)


That Band.

lokifishPosted 24-05-2013 05:04 PM


"Hey, you know that band..."

"Oh yeah, I know That Band. They're awesome!"

"Wait, no, I don't mean that band called That Band. I mean that band..."

"Yeah, I know what you mean. You're talking about That Band."



hahahaha 😛

halcatrazPosted 28-10-2012 08:27 PM

Butterfly Hotdog.
We shall play mathcore metal in butterfly outfits while eating hotdogs!

Jay-DeePosted 13-10-2012 08:51 PM
oh I've had one for ages even though my musical ability is less than zero, haha.

Heathen Profundity

I used it in a design project where I had to create a CD cover ages ago.
lokifishPosted 14-10-2012 09:27 PM

Oh god... this brings back memories of the time my friend & I started a "band" in Year 7. I place the word "band" in talking marks as both of us had NO idea how to play the instruments we were meant to be playing, and we never actually wrote/covered any songs. So technically we weren't actually a band (so the name is fictional I guess)


But the name was just as bad as our musical ability. 'Blueberry B*tches.' It was an inside joke between the two of us at the time...

MaggaPosted 16-10-2012 10:50 PM

I'm really liking these band names so far.


I came up with one the other day when I realised that on a loaf of raisin bread it said 'raisin toast'. Bread isn't toast yet...


It's only 'Potential Toast'. (I know, it's pretty lame)

Jay-DeePosted 17-10-2012 08:08 PM
lol - love it, Magga! I think things like that make the best band names 🙂

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